Kaiden's Egg Hunt

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

We missed the easter egg hunt on base today because we went to my 4D ultrasound! Sadly, Baby Girl wouldn't cooperate so we had to re-schedule. Apparently, she loves to sleep all curled up with her hands and feet on her face haha. We got a few peeks of her little features but are hoping for better luck next week. I wanted Kaiden to experience egg hunting (since he didn't really know what was going on last year) and so I used the plastic eggs I bought from the dollar store and stuffed them with little snacks like Goldfish, his favorite organic cookies and maybe a few pieces of dark chocolate ;) He never gets candy so I knew the minute he opened an egg with a niblet of chocolate, that he would be motivated to look for more eggs. The plan worked and we all had so much fun searching for eggs. He kept hopping from egg to egg and shoving his mouth full of little snacks, leaving no room for the next lol. Just thought I'd share two pics from today... :) Have a beautiful weekend!