Pregnancy: Week 29

Momhoodadmin3 Comments

I'm beginning to feel more and more pregnant each day. My mind has all these ideas of things I want to get done in a day and while second-trimester Dianne may have been able to go above and beyond that list, third-trimester Dianne finds herself always falling short of it. It's to be expected but I think it's a hard transition for me considering how smooth this entire pregnancy has been. I think what they say is true...pregnancy second time around is much easier and I'm thankful for that, otherwise I may re-think having more kids haha. Praise the Lord, this past week has been significantly better than the previous. Kaiden and I are restored to health, I got to be pampered by mom for a week and my husband is finally back home!Baby Size & Development:Acorn Squash. Taken straight from "The Bump" >> "Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she's still got a ways to go -- can you believe she'll triple in weight before birth?"Signs & Symptoms:Movement, movement, movement. This little one seems to be moving around all the time. Although, her moves are so much more graceful than Kaiden's were. He was more of a jab, kick, elbow type of baby while I can feel her little limbs drag across my belly in one swift motion. I can also feel her little hands and feet pushing at my sides. She definitely has a favorite spot that she frequents. :)Sleepiness. I feel like I'm back in my first trimester with how sleepy I always am. I've been taking naps daily and it still doesn't seem to be enough.Lower Back Pain. I don't do much lifting anymore because I will immediately feel it in my sciatic nerve around my lower back.Best Moment This Week:When my mom came to help take care of me and Kaiden while we were sick and when I was able to pick up Ethan from his flight.Worst Moment This Week:The uncertainty of how long the sickness would last. Thankfully, it cleared up shortly after my mom arrived (I really think I just needed more Zzz's to fully recover and her presence could afford me that.)What I Most Look Forward To:A 4D ultrasound! We did one with Kaiden and we may be doing it again with this one!