belly bump pic

Pregnancy: Week 32

Momhoodadmin4 Comments

A few days ago, I was reading through my old baby blog that I wrote when I was pregnant with Kaiden. I wish I would've done weekly posts like I'm doing now but I can at least compare how symptoms were every few weeks or so. By week 32 I was completely out of breath and Kaiden's kicks were so strong I would have to have Ethan massage his little limbs out of my ribs. I'm happy to report that I don't have too much shortness of breath (unless I'm going up the stairs) and her kicks aren't near as bad. I was also looking back at all my belly pics (I did try to take those weekly) and I'm sooooo happy that my face has swollen up like it did with Kaiden. Again, not sure if it's the gender difference or just pregnancy second round but I will take it! Baby Size & Development:Squash. She is supposed to be in the head down position by now...getting ready for the big day that will be happening not too far from now. She is now fully capable of swallowing, breathing, and sucking.Signs & Symptoms:More frequent eating times. Because I don't have as much room, I'm eating smaller portions but I'm finding myself hungry more often. That's about the only new symptom I've noticed over this past week.Best Moment This Week:My OB appointment. I had a 32 week checkup and I was just reminded how much I love my OB doctor. She always takes me to her personal office, instead of a stuffy OB patient room and she offers me dark chocolate and flavored water. We catch up on life and I'm always just so comfortable. She told me that she always looks forward to her days when my name pops up on her chart because I'm simply the most boring patient ever. She said everything still looks textbook (praise the Lord!) and that the next time I see her I will be 36 weeks and ready for another ultrasound/exam to make sure that Baby is doing everything she needs to.Worst Moment This Week:Kaiden has been running off and not listening lately. He decided to run out into the street the other day and my mother intincts kicked in immediately, sending me sprinting after him. I must've looked like a crazy pregnant lady because I was trying my hardest to run as fast as I could. I made eye contact with the driver and then quickly back to him, grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the road. There haven't been many moments in my life where I've felt like time was moving so slowly, but this was definitely one of those. My mind was ahead of my body and I'm honestly surprised I was able to take off as quickly as I could. I felt like one of those mom's that lifts cars to save her kids. Needless to say, immediately afterwards I was all sorts of tired and distraught.What I Most Look Forward To:Ethan gets home at the end of the week so I won't be playing single, pregnant mommy for too much longer!

Pregnancy: Week 31

Momhoodadmin2 Comments

I really feel like this pregnancy has been much easier than the first. I'm not sure if it's because of the gender difference or simply the fact that my body knows exactly what it needs to do. I'm sure both play huge factors but it's encouraging in that I'm enjoying this second pregnancy so much more. Many people ask us if we are done after two, and while my mind just wants to stay focused on this one for now, I will admit I would love a few more children. I grew up in a large family and I love the differing personalities and quirks each child had. If God chooses to bless me with more kids, who am I to turn down those blessings? Week 31 of pregnancy was extra enjoyable since it was spent with Ethan being home. He was amazed at how much more my stomach has grown and how much more movement he can actually feel.Baby Size & Development:Pineapple. All of Baby's senses are fully functioning! She should weigh between 2.5 to 3. 8 lbs and measure approximately 15-17 inches in length.Signs & Symptoms:Heartburn. And it's begun. There is so much crowding in my belly that my food doesn't have much room. I really have to be careful with what I eat now.Tiredness. Every day I slow down a bit more. I get bursts of energy but then it catches up with me and I find myself just needing to sit. Daily naps are a necessity (as I got away with not napping much the second trimester.)Stronger movement. Sometimes her movement hurts. It feels like she is just pressing on the inside of my belly and holding it there...unlike Kaiden's infamous jabs. Her movement is so different from his which is hopefully letting me know her personality is too haha.Best Moment This Week:There were several great moments this week. The 4D ultrasound was awesome and taking maternity pics was fun but probably my favorite part was the realization that Kaiden is going to make a great big brother. He is just so helpful and does so well with the little baby doll we bought him. Every morning he goes to her crib and likes to feed her with her little baby bottle. He is always trying to share his toys with her too. He also played with a 7-month old the other day and was extremely gentle...petting his little arms and all.Worst Moment This Week:We watched a movie where the mom went into labor. Big mistake. I now have labor on my mind all the time and I don't like thinking about how long that day will be. I know that the end result will be so worth it but I at least want to avoid the anxiety of it all if I possibly can.What I Most Look Forward To:My next naptime. :)

Pregnancy: Week 30

Momhoodadmin4 Comments

Each week becomes more real to me. Her kicks get stronger. I can feel little hands and feet scraping the inside of my belly. It's a crazy thought that in a little over two months our family will grow. Pregnancy is such a beautiful process and this second time around I've come to appreciate it so much more. I'm definitely slowing down, though. If I carry too much, I start to feel it in my sciatic nerve. It's much harder for me to get up the stairs (so I try to minimize my trips as much as possible haha.) I can't stand for very long periods... Gosh, I sound like an old person haha.Baby Size & Development:Cabbage. Baby should weigh approximately 3 lbs. Her brain is continuing to develop and is starting to have those little grooves and ridges. She is also beginning to regulate her own body temperature. She will continue to gain 1/2 a pound each week which means I will only be getting bigger from here on out!Signs & Symptoms:Rib kicks. Yepp. It's that time of pregnancy. I've begun to feel her poke at my ribs.Itchy belly. Does that sound weird? Because my skin is stretching at such a fast rate, I have to constantly moisturize it to ensure I don't get more stretch marks than necessary. I actually got a pre-natal massage when my mom was here and the lady complemented me on how soft my skin was! ;)Best Moment This Week:As I mentioned in a previous post, we attempted a 4D ultrasound. She kept covering her face so we have to re-do it but I was still able to see some of her features so clearly! Technology is so amazing.Worst Moment This Week:Probably just feeling tired constantly. It's bad when your mind is going a million miles an hour wanting to do things but your body can't keep up.What I Most Look Forward To:We are re-doing our ultrasound this week and also potentially having a friend shoot some maternity pictures. :)