Pregnancy: Week 30

Momhoodadmin4 Comments

Each week becomes more real to me. Her kicks get stronger. I can feel little hands and feet scraping the inside of my belly. It's a crazy thought that in a little over two months our family will grow. Pregnancy is such a beautiful process and this second time around I've come to appreciate it so much more. I'm definitely slowing down, though. If I carry too much, I start to feel it in my sciatic nerve. It's much harder for me to get up the stairs (so I try to minimize my trips as much as possible haha.) I can't stand for very long periods... Gosh, I sound like an old person haha.Baby Size & Development:Cabbage. Baby should weigh approximately 3 lbs. Her brain is continuing to develop and is starting to have those little grooves and ridges. She is also beginning to regulate her own body temperature. She will continue to gain 1/2 a pound each week which means I will only be getting bigger from here on out!Signs & Symptoms:Rib kicks. Yepp. It's that time of pregnancy. I've begun to feel her poke at my ribs.Itchy belly. Does that sound weird? Because my skin is stretching at such a fast rate, I have to constantly moisturize it to ensure I don't get more stretch marks than necessary. I actually got a pre-natal massage when my mom was here and the lady complemented me on how soft my skin was! ;)Best Moment This Week:As I mentioned in a previous post, we attempted a 4D ultrasound. She kept covering her face so we have to re-do it but I was still able to see some of her features so clearly! Technology is so amazing.Worst Moment This Week:Probably just feeling tired constantly. It's bad when your mind is going a million miles an hour wanting to do things but your body can't keep up.What I Most Look Forward To:We are re-doing our ultrasound this week and also potentially having a friend shoot some maternity pictures. :)