
Our Trip to Maine

All, Personaladmin2 Comments

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Kennebunk, Maine for our cousin's wedding. I fell in love with the town and even more so with my husband's family that we spent the weekend with. For years, he has been telling me about the Jago-side cousins that he grew up with and I finally got to meet them! Words cannot explain how wonderful this weekend was, especially after losing our dog the night before our trip. We came back home refreshed and excited to know that more family is just a drive away. These are some pictures from the weekend. Maine1This was our cute, little cottage.MaineBlog-8395Getting settled in.MaineBlog-8400Breakfast at a local eaterie w/ family. I had lobster with scrambled eggs. Maine is pretty much seafood heaven.MaineBlog-8413We love the beach and it was neat seeing a different type of terrain than what we've seen in both East and West Coast beaches.MaineBlog-8498The water was cold but that didn't stop Kaiden and his cousin from bulding sand castles.MaineBlog-8417I love that they are best buds.MaineBlog-8445"Skye, let me take a picture of you!" And then she posed like this, haha.MaineBlog-8456MaineBlog-8428Cora with her granny and pop pop.Maine3MaineBlog-8471Maine2MaineBlog-8437MaineBlog-8502See what I mean about seaside? The houses were goregeous.MaineBlog-8505We got ripped off on this lobster roll and chowder but it was good!MaineBlog-8515They are all ready for the wedding! This is about as dressed up as we get.MaineBlog-8519The wedding venue was gorgeous.MaineBlog-8520MaineBlog-8532Second cousin love.MaineBlog-8548Ethan with his cousins. They are all so beautiful!MaineBlog-8552MaineBlog-8577More Jago-side family.MaineBlog-8553Me and Cora Bora.Maine4MaineBlog-8597The day after the wedding we had a BBQ with the family. It was nice to just relax and hang with everyone.MaineBlog-8606The guys played some ball. They called me out so I could take a pic of Ethan in his short shorts, lol. These are common in his career field and other special ops career fields. If you didn't know, now you know, ha!MaineBlog-8612And a family pic (minus a few families.)There ya have it! We love Maine and can't wait to go back! :)

Long Time No See

Deeply Rooted Magazine, PersonaladminComment

IMG_7841I recently realized that this blog is still visible to the world after a company (that was contacting me about the magazine) brought up an old post. It took me off guard. How did this voice on the other end of the phone know about my attempt at going without shampoo? Oh, wait. My blog must still be up and running. How embarrassing! I wanted to take it down right away but then as I went back to see what exactly she read, I found so many memories archived here. My first entry here was in 2012. I have entries about packing up our house in California on my own, our road trip across the country with a newborn, and living in a fifth-wheel for a few months. I can't sweep this under the rug -- no matter how immature-sounding some of my posts appear to be (haha.) I've had so many blogs and lost so many entries from years back. I don't want to do that again.So how do I even re-cap my life over the past 8 months? My last post was in February and it was when I was in the middle of launching Deeply Rooted Magazine's campaign. This has been a major reason why my personal blog was set aside. There is just an incredible amount of energy and work put into it all and therefore my focus had to shift. Raising a three year old and a one year old while running a magazine is hard but by the grace of God, He is holding me together and moving me forward. Now that we are three issues in (praise the Lord!) and my team has grown (praise the Lord!) I'm starting to get into a groove where hopefully I will have time for an entry here and there. I also took a class when I was at the Pursuit 31 Conference put on by the amazing Casey Wiegand about her blogging schedule. It made so much sense and encouraged me on to keep blogging. (I'm also slowly learning how to manage my time a bit better.)One reason I started the magazine was because I loved sharing my heart through words and I really haven't had a chance to do that.  I was reading through entries from 2012 and it's crazy how so many forgotten memories were brought back to mind. So here's an attempt at an entry. This is a journal of our life and I want to continue sharing it as much as my schedule permits.

Atlanta Trip

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

A few weekends ago, we ventured out to Atlanta for two days and a night. We had a free night at the Hilton and stayed right next door to the Aquarium. I brought my camera along but I only took a handful of shots in our hotel room. On top of that, my cell phone was dying so I didn't get many images with that either. And I'm kind of glad. It's very easy to get so caught up documenting my children's lives that I must constantly remind myself to make sure that I am present in the moment. It is a constant balancing act to make sure I capture what my poor memory forgets and that I am able to observe them without  a camera in my face the whole time.These are three images I snapped once we arrived at the hotel, before we went off on all our family adventures. They loved being in a new space. :)IMG_1874IMG_1875IMG_1877