Pregnancy: Week 28

Momhood, Personaladmin1 Comment

I'm sick and it stinks. I've been posting it all over Facebook, asking for prayer. Kaiden got sick first and I think it's from all the social activities I've had him involved in. Despite our healthy eating habits, he is still building his immune system and it's normal for toddlers to pick up these things. I've been doing everything possible to recover...facial steams, homemade teas, veggie/fruit-packed smoothies, chicken noodle soup...even eating raw garlic, you name it. It's just been difficult to deal with his 103 degree fevers while being sick and pregnant at the same time. Now that I'm in my third trimester, I can see how everything in general is just becoming more difficult. So please keep me in prayer if you think of it. I need extra strength and grace to get through this week.Baby Size & Development:Eggplant. I thought this was a really cool fact, "Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!"Signs & Symptoms:Even bigger belly. Everyone keeps telling me I carry small...even our mail-lady haha. But my belly button feels like if my belly gets any bigger, it will pop off!Stronger movements. She doesn't kick and jab like Kaiden did but I've been feeling her wiggle around more than ever before. I can definitely tell I'm carrying her higher than Kaiden, which is much more comfortable.Weaker immune system. Pregnancy weakens your immune system because you are taking care of TWO people, so it's no surprise that I picked up whatever virus Kaiden has. It's been absolutely miserable.Best Moment This Week:The moment I realized my husband would be home in less than two weeks. I've been trying my best not to count down.Worst Moment This Week:Besides being sick, I found myself at the Labor and Delivery unit this week. There was something that scared me, so I called the nurse's line and they suggested I go in. They kept me there for about two hours to run tests but thankfully everything is ok. Thankfully, I had a friend that could watch Kaiden in the meantime.What I Most Look Forward To:Recovering from this illness.