Happy Anniversary, My Love.

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Dear Ethan,I'm having the hardest time coming up with something to write. I'm at a loss for words. How do I even begin to pen what these past four years have meant to me? Instead of trying to think back and rewind, I'll say what I know now:God blessed me over-abundantly with a man like you. You are incredibly loving, thoughtful, and considerate. Your love for me is definitely un-conditional. You work hard to provide for our family. You take on extra burdens just so I don't have to carry them. You are protective of our family. Your actions display a genuine desire for our best interest. You are patient, forgiving, and understanding. You comfort me in my times of need. Though you have a tough, rugged exterior, you are incredibly caring and (I'm sure I'll get crap for this word >>) sensitive. You are constantly sacrificing for us. You always seem to know exactly what to say and when to say it. You make me laugh constantly. You're a great listener. You're extremely talented...and manly lol. Oh, and one more...you're hot. ;)You are my better half. You've taught me so much. Your constant outpouring of love is a mirror that reveals how much more I can give. I'm blessed to see a side of you that no one else gets to see...to share moments with you that no one else gets to share...to receive hugs and kisses that no other woman will ever receive --and I mean EVER haha.Most importantly, you are such a man of God. I prayed and prayed for someone that would lead me the way a God-fearing man should. Every quality I've mentioned about you above stems from a heart deeply-rooted in Christ. It is so evident that you love the Lord and seek to serve him in every facet of your life, and because of that Kaiden and I have the opportunity to be incredibly blessed by it. You have always led me by example. I love waking up every morning and seeing your Bible open on the table. I think it's cute that you listen to sermons in the showers lol. I love seeing you stand up for what your convictions. I love your constant encouragement. I love how I've seen God work in your life over these past few years.We've been through so much over these past few years...one big move. A house bought. A house sold. A child born. A child on the way. Blessings galore. Trials. And more trials. Who knows where we are going next but through your absence I'm realizing I don't care where we go or stay, as long as I'm with you.I so look forward to our future. I pray that we have decades and decades of anniversaries to celebrate. I pray that our children would see a marriage they want to model theirs after. I pray that the foundation of our marriage forever stays rooted in God...because I know that is the only way a union with two flawed, sinful people will ever stick together and stay in love.Ethan Jago, I love you with my whole heart and am so thankful to God for these four years of marriage. I never would have imagined when I said, "I do," where God would take us but I knew it was going to be an incredible journey. I have truly learned what it means to walk by faith but I'm especially glad that I've gotten to learn it while holding your hand. You may be miles away but that's not stopping me from celebrating. Happy 4th Anniversary, my love.