A Trip to the Market

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

There is a little produce market that opens up every summer and so in an attempt to get out of the house and stock up on inexpensive veggies, our little family made a trip yesterday. We were told it is ok to take Skye out on walks and go to parks since the outside is clearly well-ventilated and so I packed my little sling carrier and off we went...I have never been so excited to buy fruits and vegetables lol. We arrived close to closing time and so everything was pretty picked over but I'm excited to start frequenting there on a regular basis. You can get giant, yellow bell peppers for  2 for $1 and grapes for $1.50 a pound! Kaiden, of course, had a blast helping grab the fruit off the stands. We just had to keep our eye on him as he would grab random fruit and squeeze it as hard as he possibly could lol.Having two kids is definitely a different dynamic. I expected it to be this way but nothing could have prepared me for the change. Newborns are adorable but I forgot how dependent they are on their parents. Skye is eating about every 2-3 hours so I've been up at all points in a 24 hour period. I know it will only be like this for a few months but it's still a huge adjustment to make. Kaiden has been handling it extremely well. I catch him randomly giving Skye kisses and he is usually more than willing to help me by grabbing a diaper or burp cloth if it's out of reach. He doesn't show any signs of jealousy (at this point at least.) In addition, Ethan's sister has been a huge help. It's been so nice to be able to hand off Skye if I need to assist Kaiden or have her play with Kaiden while I take care of Skye. All this to say, going to places like Farmer's Markets and getting outside helps both me, Ethan and Kaiden with the transition. It's put a little bit of normal back into our life and gets us out of the house. :)