Worst Conversation Ever.

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

I had just gotten off a flight to Minnieapolis and had to get Kaiden and I across two terminals with a stroller, a backpack and a toddler carseat. By the time I got to the gate, boarding had begun and I was told Kaiden and I couldn't sit next to each other. I explained to the lady why I needed to sit by my two year old and finally made my way on the plane. After struggling to carry Kaiden's carseat through the tight airplane aisle, I finally got us situated. Kaiden started kicking the seat in front of him. I kept telling him to stop, making my attempts obvious to the person in front of us. She huffed a bit and then turned around and gave me a look, which was totally understandable."Kaiden, you need to stop.""Knock it off."I then turned to her and apologized."I'm sorry he keeps kicking. He should calm down once we are in the air."No response. So typical. All throughout the day prior, I made several apologies for Kaiden acting like the toddler he is and I noticed that most people never acknowledged me when I would say something. Kaiden kept kicking at random and I had no idea what to do. I don't blame him. He had just gotten off a super long flight, only to be put in a stroller and then transferred into a carseat. While waiting for people to board the plane, what else does he have to do? I still attempted to stop him. She then turned around, and there began the worst conversation in the world. Now, let me just be clear, normally under confrontation I freeze and don't say anything. I am not one to speak up and defend myself but in this moment I was both physically and mentally exhausted. Toddlers are a challenge. Toddlers on a plane with people who don't want toddlers to act like toddlers are an even bigger challenge...as I 'm sure some of you may know.Woman: Listen, I know you are trying to get him to stop kicking but I feel really sick.Me: I understand but I'm sick too. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and super nauseous and I'm trying to take care of my toddler. I'm trying my best to get him to stop. I don't know what else I could possibly do at this point.She didn't say anything. The guy next to her jokingly said, "I was kicked all on the last flight and I can take it again. Let's switch seats. I have knots in my back that need fixing, anyways." They switched seats and then she burst into tears.Woman: I just left my dad's funeral.There was silence. I didn't know what to say. Her last line trumped my pregnant card. Sure, I was stressed and actually felt sick but her sickness was something felt much deeper. How was I to know? Out of all the comments and reactions I received for Kaiden's actions that day, the one time I decided to say something...Kaiden fell asleep as the plane took off (and didn't kick the rest of the flight) and I silently let tears roll. I had an extremely rough morning but I'm sure she had an even rougher week.At the end of the plane ride, I went up to her and apologized . I told her that I didn't mean to be insensitive towards her situation and added that dealing with a toddler on a plane is just very difficult. All she said was, "Yep," and walked away. Had I known her situation prior to our conversation, I probably wouldn't have said anything but had she known mine, perhaps she wouldn't have either. If there is anything I could take away from this, it would be the reminder that everyone indeed, is fighting a different battle.