We Are in Virginia!

Military Life, Momhood, Personaladmin4 Comments

I hope my last post wasn't too much of a downer! We have been in Virginia for the past week and it's been a great getting away from our daily routine. Ethan is doing some training here, which is why we flew out in the first place. Things were a bit difficult when we first arrived. I forgot how the 3 hour time change makes a huge difference with a child. He started out by going to bed at 11 pm (8 pm Cali time) and then waking up at 6:30 am (3:30 am Cali time.) It was awful. He's beginning to adjust and now falls asleep at 10:30 pm and wakes up at 8:30 am, which is better but still not enough sleep for this preggo woman!Ethan's parents are only four hours North, so we will be driving up this weekend and Kaiden and I will stay with them for a week until Ethan drives up again the next weekend. I'm excited to see his family and thrilled that I will get a break!It never ceases to amaze me how different the East and West coast is...it actually feels like fall here! The trees are painted with reds, oranges and yellows. There are so many little historic towns with beautiful colonial buildings. People are more fast paced and life seems a bit more traditional. It really amazes me how different our country can be from one end to the other but reminds me how my heart really belongs to the West. However, packing four weeks of my life in a suitcase and having to live in Virginia for a month has reminded me that I belong in no place. Being a military family takes me many, many places and I learn to make each spot my home. I will always have a place in my heart for California but I have all I need here, my family. I think this trip has given me confirmation that I'm ok if we get re-stationed soon...it's around that time for us, anyways!PS. Sorry, my posting has become sporadic again...the nausesa makes everything difficult.