House Tour Part 2: The Upstairs

Homemaking, Military Life, Personal, Popular Postsadmin3 Comments

I'm finally getting around to posting the second part of our house. In case you missed part 1, click here to view it first. Here are a few more pictures with the exception of our spare room (which we use for storage), our giant laundry closet and 2 bathrooms. There's nothing too interesting about those rooms and I'm honestly too lazy to take any more pictures haha. I know I mentioned how big of a blessing it was to get a house on base so quickly but another blessing that we encountered deals with our washer and dryer. Since we thought we were moving to Germany, we decided to leave our washer and dryer with our old house since the tenants wanted it and the appliances were pretty old anyways. When we got to this house, we realized that we needed them still. Shortly after we learned this, we went to the base department store just to check prices. As we walked in, there was a lot of commotion going on...apparently there was a one hour sale where all the products in the front were 50% off. There happened to be a brand new washer and dryer set that they wanted to get rid of, so we purchased the set for a screaming deal. That same day I was also asked to second shoot a wedding which paid off our washer and dryer in full. Praise the Lord, for always providing!