Sew Loving Handmade Right Now.


I've been sewing a lot these past few days. I have this project that I started last summer and never finished, so I decided to dust off the sewing machine and finally finish it. I can't wait to post pictures of the final product. The bunny you see on the right is something I whipped up for Kaiden from one of his old t-shirts. It's definitely not perfect (I did an awful job on his face lol) but I think the imperfections make it cute. After I finished it, I handed it to him to see what he thought. He immediately stuffed it in his mouth and took off running lol. He ran around in circles several times and handed me a wet bunny. I gave it to him right before he went back to bed and again, he stuffed it in his mouth. I don't know what it is about the bunny that makes him want to eat it but I guess he likes it lol?I've also been sewing some handmade gifts for some soon-to-be moms. Aside from knitted headbands and hats, I've never given any other kind of handmade gift. I think I'm going to start doing them as much as I possibly can. There's just something about handmade. I have a good friend of mine that sewed a stuffed giraffe for Kaiden before he was born. Every time I look at it, I can see the love, time and effort put into every stitch. This may seem like a lame comparison, but when I'm creating these gifts, I can almost get a glimpse of our Creator. I take pride in knowing I created something uniquely. As I mentioned above, the imperfections make it beautiful. If I wanted "perfect", I could go out and buy a commercialized bunny that is identical to 50,000 others. But I know that some day Kaiden will be able to appreciate it. And here's the parallel -- God took the time to create each person with unique looks, personalities, gifts and talents. I can only imagine how God must feel when we tear ourselves down over the "imperfections" or when we compare. With that said, if I can get as much enjoyment creating something and giving it, than I can only imagine how much joy He takes in creating us and gifting us with the blessings of a baby. Lame comparison? Maybe, maybe not!If you're bored, I encourage you to get on Pinterest and find a craft that looks like fun and then give it to someone. Handmade is fun. I think you will love it too. :)