The Passing of One Year and Embracing of Another

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IMG_8618It's that time again. We celebrate the passing of one year and the embracing of another. We rung in 2014 with Ethan's new job -- a work environment that woke him as early as 2 am and at times wouldn't bring him home until 8 pm. It was a year that wore on him and forced our family to adjust to a schedule that we were definitely not used to. I also took a step of faith by launching the crowd-funding campaign for Deeply Rooted Magazine. 30 days later the Lord provided more than what we needed. Four issues in and so many God-orchestrated events later and I'm still in awe at all that He has done/is doing. We also packed up our life once again and have spent the last month in limbo while we wait for our house to go into contract.But can I really summarize a year of our life up in a blog post? I can't. I can show highlights but it will never tell the full story. What I can say is that it was busy. It was also very difficult. A new life was presented to us in Georgia and with it, new blessings and new challenges. It was also a year of huge "God things" that really showed me how He is indeed at work for bigger purposes than my own. But above all, 2014 taught Ethan and I that we could be stretched further than we ever imagined and we would learn to depend on God even more than we already had been. It was a year where our Bibles were open constantly - not out of achieving some new year's resolution but out of a thirst for the only thing that would refuel us.For most, a new calendar year doesn't really change much except for an updated digit at the end of a date. But January 2015 represents major change for us as we enter yet another season in life. Next weekend we will move into our new (rented) home and shortly after Ethan will start His new job. I'm in the process of transferring my business over and working towards eventually establishing a DRM headquarters here. Kaiden will start school in the Fall and a few other major things are happening. I'm excited for 2015! But I'm also anticipating new challenges and new life lessons.In the midst of the entire journey our family has been on, we praise the Lord for being constant and unchanging."Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:17"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." - Isaiah 40:8