Published: 31 Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer

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IMG_9988A few months ago, I was contacted by The Well Studio for an opportunity in contributing to a special project. This awesome ministry was busy putting together a book of prayers and Scripture for the Christian "dreamer and doer." I was nervous, excited, and humbled at the chance of contributing. The categories assigned to me were "God's Word" and "Collaboration + Opportunity." Both topics were ones that God has been teaching me so much about lately.Within recent years I've been learning what a lifeline the Bible is to our Christian walk. It sounds elementary but it's so easy to get caught up in books, blogs, and commentaries with sprinkled with Scripture here and there without actually reading it in depth. I've struggled (and still struggle) with digging into it daily and it's so evident in my actions and reactions. As for Collaborations + Opportunity, the opportunities that have come through creating the magazine and the amount of collaboration I do on a regular basis has taught me so much about the body of Christ -- both how beautiful it can be and also how difficult it may be at times. I've really had to seek God in gratitude for the opened doors and for discernment and wisdom in tougher situations.IMG_9991Here is the official description of the book:

We are dreamers & doers – ambitious business owners – we love hard – try to ‘do-it-all’ and grow weary in the process. We need each other to lean on and to love on. More and more women are weaving their stories, their burdens and their God-given gifts into big dreams, intentional businesses and God’s work. Our prayer for this book is to keep you tethered to your faith and to the Lord, who without His saving grace, all dreaming and doing is in vain.
Curated by The {Well} Studio and written by an inspiring group of dreamers and doers, the prayers and scripture that fill these pages are written to accompany you on this the journey of brilliant dreams and scary risks, weary struggles and joyful success, inspiring ideas and fears of failure....all in light of how God has created us to be and to do all things well....not perfectly, but {well}.
PRAYERS INCLUDE: Faith, Prayer, God’s Word, Grace, Identity, Freedom, Seasons, Motherhood, Marriage, Comparison, Fears, Simplicity, Rest, the Dreams of our Spouses and Children, Influence, Business, Finances, Social Media, Goals, Creativity, Simplicity, Ministry, Dreams, Authenticity, Fears, Productivity, Branding, Health, Loving {well}, Collaborating, Confidence, Calling + Purpose.

IMG_9998I recently received my copies of the book and am still in shock that my prayers are written alongside some very well-respected, influential women in the Christian community. Some other authors include:

IMG_9994But as much as I felt unqualified to write next to some of these names, I've been learning that it doesn't matter who I am or who I am not because ultimately this is for His glory. I have such a burden for Christian women, especially the creatives and dreamers that are chasing hard after their callings. It's so neat to see how God has worked in these opportunities to allow me to share what He has been working in my heart and to be able to push these women back to God and His Word.You can purchase the book here and know that for every purchase, $1 is donated to Eye Heart World (an amazing nonprofit that is doing big things to educate local communities about sex trafficking.)