The Grand Weaver...and Great News!

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THE GRAND WEAVERThe other day, a friend recommend I read a book entitled The Grand Weaver. I haven't read it yet (though, it is on my to-read list!) but the name got me thinking. Our God is indeed a grand weaver. Every detail of every moment paints an even bigger picture than our eyes can see. The person you run into and accidentally spill your coffee on? Not coincidence. The bus that you miss by a few minutes? Meant to happen. We may not know the purpose or the reason but we do know that, ". . . in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." It is this mind-set that has given me hope throughout these past couple of months. We have been "trying" to have another baby. It is a little nerve-wracking waiting for a test to yield a positive or negative result. But when we think of God as a grand weaver, we have a peace knowing that the future of our future child is in His hands. He is the great Knower of cause and effect. This is just speculation, but maybe you missed your bus which caused you to avoid a potentially fatal accident. Maybe your child broke his/her leg playing a sport, and although it took them out for the season, it prevented something far worse from happening OR gave opportunity to something far better than being in the game. In the same way, He chooses to fill the empty womb at the perfect time. This goes beyond my desire to bear another child, knowing that God is fulfilling an even greater plan. I may have the mindset that I want to get pregnant again now, but God may not want us to have him/her until months or even a year from now. My impatience can wait however long He needs me to and that is what has kept me from ever feeling sorrowful at the sight of a negative pregnancy test.THE GREAT NEWSWith that said, we found out yesterday that I AM PREGNANT! I took a test (which read positive) and immediately afterwards took a blood test at the hospital to get it confirmed (which they did!) I am about 5 weeks pregnant and will be due around the first week of June next year. We are SOOOOO incredibly overjoyed and although Kaiden doesn't have a clue at the moment, I know he will be happy meeting his new brother or sister. I've seen him around other newborns and can tell he will do great! At the moment, I'm not facing any major symptoms (besides eating more than usual)...however, I didn't notice symptoms with Kaiden until week 12 (which is probably why we didn't find out I was pregnant until then haha.)  I know most people wait until later to announce their pregnancy but I can't contain it! We are just ecstatic and trusting that the Lord has a plan throughout the duration of this pregnancy!