Pregnancy: Weeks 11 & 12

Momhoodadmin2 Comments

I've been doing a terrible job at keeping up with these pregnancy posts. I blame it on the constant travel but I still missed pictures for weeks 9 and 10...and now 13 lol. (I'm actually 14 weeks as I type this but I still have a few days to get a picture in before the week ends!)Baby Size & Development:Week 11: Prune. The vital organs started to function around this week. Cartilage has also started to form. Apparently, baby will double in size over the next few weeks! Yikes.Week 12: Lime. The baby's toes and fingers are no longer webbed. Nail beds and teeth are starting to form.Signs & Symptoms:The nausea has definitely died down and only comes when I don't get enough to eat. One thing I have noticed is I'm always short of breath...and it sucks.Cravings:Still no crazy cravings. Ethan thinks that pregnancy cravings are a myth made by women. Not sure if other women would agree but I never had anything super crazy with Kaiden either.Best Moment This Week:When I got to do the official ultrasound! Seeing our sweet little baby move around made me teary eyed. I will never get enough of ultrasounds!Worst Moment This Week: When I did the ultrasound. The tech had me in the most uncomfortable position and it ended up straining my lower back. She also pressed so hard on my belly with the probing stick that I felt crampy afterwards. :/What I Most Look Forward To:Finding out the gender. I should find out sometime in January and it's just around the corner!In case you missed my post on the ultrasound (and in case you want to see baby's picture again,) click here!