Pregnancy: Week 27


Well, I missed week 26 but that's ok. I'm officially in my 3rd trimester and as of today I have 85 days to go. With Ethan gone, I've had extra time to work on personal projects for Baby and start prepping her nursery. I started to feel kind of bad because I didn't do near as much for Kaiden but I'm realizing that there are wayyy more ideas out there for girls. I'm happy to report that there hasn't been much weight gain in me other than the belly area and some in my legs (which I could use!) With Kaiden, I gained quite a bit of weight (though, I still stayed "petite") but that can be contributed to my eating habits at the time. When I first found out I was pregnant with this one, I told myself I wouldn't just eat because "I had to feed a second person." Kaiden's eating schedule has allowed me to portion out my food by eating 5 smaller meals/snacks a day and our constant smoothie making has helped give me the benefits that come from raw fruits and veggies. This type of eating and exercise has helped keep the weight at a healthy level for my size.Baby Size & Development:Zuchini. Her eyelids and eyelashes are almost fully developed. She should be growing more hair too. Her sleep/awake patterns are becoming more routine as well.Signs & Symptoms:Bigger belly. Though I do feel "smaller," I have seen growth in my belly. I think this is the perfect pregnancy size and if I had it my way I wouldn't grow an inch more!Crazy nesting moods. I've re-arranged our entire house in order to make room for Baby Girl. We had one room filled with storage stuff (since we don't have a garage) and I had a friend help me transfer it all to another room so that Baby could have  a nursery...This required a TON of work re-arranging everyone's closets and moving things but it's finally done! I'm also constantly wiping down countertops, sweeping floors and picking up Kaiden's toys. The extra energy defintiely comes from nesting."Pregnancy Glow." A lot of people have commented that I'm glowing. I'm not sure I see it but I'll take it ;) Best Moment This Week:I went to my weekly evening Bible study and we decided just to forego the study and just fellowship. It was much needed for me because I feel like I've just been, "go, go, go," lately and this allowed me to sit and unwind while Kaiden played with my friend's daughter. It really gave me a chance to re-charge and enjoy some deeper conversation with ADULTS lol.Worst Moment This Week:Pregnancy hormones got the best of me and I had a little melt-down. Kaiden was having trouble sleeping and I found myself crying and praying. Thankfully, I was able to text Ethan in those moments and he found some great advice for putting a toddler to bed. We've been going three days strong with this method and it actually works! Kaiden has been going to bed awake without leaving his bed and without me having to yell or constantly put him back in over and over again.What I Most Look Forward To:Nothing. I'm very content with life right now. I'm really enjoying this pregnancy and every little move she makes. Though I do anticipate her arrival, I'm just soaking in life right here, right now.Some photo-booth fun. :)