Pregnancy Week 21

Momhood, Personaladmin3 Comments

A photography client made me a pregnancy countdown that I have hanging on my wall. Every week, I erase the old chalk number and fill in how many weeks I have left until I meet baby. This week I wrote the number 19. That's 19 weeks (actually a little less -- 18 weeks and 5 days to be exact) until I meet her. Now that I'm over the halfway mark I can already see how fast this will all fly by! Nothing too new happened this week other than the fact that I've noticed how I feel more and more pregnant each day lol.Baby Size & Development:Spaghetti Squash. Baby is approximately 8 inches in length and weighs a pound. Her grip is quite developed and she can now perceive light and dark much better than before.Signs & Symptoms:Weight gain. I'm a pretty small person to begin with but I can see the gradual weight gain happening in areas other than my belly. I was actually looking at previous pregnancy photos and noticed that my face started filling out around 23 weeks and so it doesn't surprise me that I see it slowly happening now. I know a lot of pregnant women have this symptom, I just don't like it very much when it's happening in my face. :/Best Moment This Week:Collecting items for Baby Girl's nursery. I love finding little treasures here and there, knowing it will one day fill a space just for her. The other best moment would be my friend coming into town. She has been such a help with Kaiden and it's really taken a load off of me!Worst Moment This Week: This isn't really pregnancy related but I've picked up another cold. It's really going around our area and I guess my weakened immune system is what's made me catch it again.What I Most Look Forward To:We have another ultrasound this coming Monday, so I'm pretty excited for that!