Pregnancy: Week 19

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I've REALLLY been slacking with belly pics and so I decided before I find another excuse to get busy, I better just take one using the camera on my computer. My belly has definitely gotten noticeably bigger although, people still sometimes am surprised to hear I'm pregnant. From this angle it looks way big but from the front I could just pass for having a gnarly, beer gut. Some days are easier than others, but today for instance, I'm extremely tired because I didn't get a nap in. Kaiden has been having a terrible sleep schedule (as of late) and it's been affecting me too. Hopefully, I will do better with belly pics and pregnancy updates...Baby Size & Development:Sweet Potato. Baby girl can roll, kick, twist, punch, yawn, hiccup, and swallow!Signs & Symptoms:Hunger. I definitely am eating more and find myself hungry more often.Back/uterus aches. I feel achey a lot but that's probably because of how fast she is growing.Frequent bathroom trips. Sorry if that is TMI but it's the truth...and it's annoying lol.Belly kicks. I feel her little movements all the time and a I LOVE it! It makes the pregnancy more real.Clothes don't fit. I'm probably stretching out my normal clothes now that I can barely fit in them. This belly of mine is getting pretty big and I've just been wearing a lot of maternity clothes.Shortness of Breath. Just the other day at church, I found myself unable to sing along with the praise and worship and at one point I had to sit. I've noticed it being more of an issue on a night where I didn't get much sleep (thanks to Kaiden and his toddler bed stage, ha.)Cravings:No crazy cravings. Guess I'm boring.Best Moment This Week:When Ethan got to feel her kick for the first time.Worst Moment This Week: Waking up with horrible headaches. I've been getting tension headaches caused by clenching my jaw at night. I had problems with this when I was pregnant with Kaiden and it looks like it has come back to haunt me.What I Most Look Forward To:Now that we have found out the gender, there's nothing in particular I'm anxiously awaiting. I'm excited to meet her but I'm just taking the pregnancy one day at a time...enjoying my job as a one-kid parent as much as I can before I have to juggle between two kiddo's.