Our Family Photos

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A few days ago, I posted pictures that I took of my friend, Kira, and her family. What I failed to mention was that she took our photos a few weeks ago when Skye was just a few weeks old. We decided that  Skye's nursery was the perfect place to take them! Initially, she has suggested one of her "Unscripted Sessions." The goal of those sessions is to capture your family as you are in your home...buuuuuut I found myself tidying up the house, coordinating outfits and basically doing just the opposite. I laughed when I told Ethan that if we were to be truly unscripted, one would see baskets of laundry waiting to be folded and Kaiden would be running around in his diaper. Let me just says that Kira did a wonderful job. You can't even tell how chaotic that morning was. Kaiden was not cooperating (but let's be honest...when it comes to photos, when does he ever?) and there were many times where Skye was fussy and needed to be consoled. But this is why Kira rocks at what she does. She is a mom too and totally understands the needs of children. She was patient and worked around our chaos, still managing to beautifully capture our family of four. Thank you, Kira! I adore all of these photos!