A Picture of Our Yesterday...

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I watched Kaiden as he played with his wooden train set in our living room. The poor boy was sporting a diaper and nothing more...and it looked full. I felt and still feel bad that he hasn't gotten as much attention as he used to. If you know my son, you know he requires a whole lot of it. Skye was hungry and I was feeding her. She eats every three hours and you would not believe how fast those three hours fly by. As I sat feeding her, I scanned the rooms around me. Baby gear everywhere. Random, clean diapers dispersed throughout the premises. Toys lay hidden in undiscovered nooks and crannies. Empty bottles. A dish here. A dish there. I had already been up for several hours and still hadn't managed to do my devo's, change out of my pj's, or even brush my teeth. Gross. I literally have my hands full. Skye is obviously a priority at this point and when I'm done attending her, then Kaiden needs a diaper change and after that a snack and that usually follows with him running around hysterically until he gets an "ouchie" and so this run on sentence continues almost mimicking the never ending tasks that occupy my morning. And, like many other moms across the world, I find myself "earning my stripes" -- because no matter where you live or what your living condition may be, the mom is still required to balance her efforts at maintaing the household while meeting the most basic needs of a child. As a friend told me yesterday, "It's like your baby sitting-forever...but you don't get to go home aftewrards and you don't get paid." And I honestly feel like I haven't painted a clear enough picture of it. Blogging gives one the opportunity to display snippets of life but many selectively choose the portions they reveal, myself included.  The pictures I post and random blurbs here and there don't quite reveal the exhaustion I sometimes face. However, I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. I know this time is short. I know that we will eventually find our routine. But for now, this is what my yesterday looked like. Today was similar and I'm sure tomorrow will be too. But I am fueled by God-given strength and the love I have for my children.These moments continue to teach me humility, love and dependence on God.