New Growth

Momhood, PersonaladminComment

IMG_1302Growing season has officially begun and I've planted a variety of veggies in our garden. I'm so excited that this rental home has a garden bed on the side of the house and I've loved watching the tiny plants grow stronger, taller, and greener. Gardening is definitely one of my favorite activities outside of my regular to-do's and I love how nature can be so symbolic of the very lessons I see God working in my own life.These past few months have been a season of new growth. Since deleting my Facebook and taking a month long break from my personal Instagram, I have found freedom in a life without the need for electronic relationships. I love the way that these applications can connect people but there is a definite problem when these platforms have more damaging effects than they do reward. Like many women, I wrestled with comparing myself to others, envying other's lifestyles, and much more.  It's hard to admit dissatisfaction when I have been blessed with so much but it's a struggle nonetheless and I was tired of my mind being consumed with things that really don't matter. I am a firm believer that if something is not building you up, then it is tearing or wearing you down and it needs to be eliminated, even if temporarily. This time away has given me fresh perspective and has helped me focus on the things (and people) that are actually in front of me.There's also been a lot of growth going on inside of this pregnant belly of mine. Our sweet little girl loves to wiggle (and punch). It's hard to believe I'm in the third trimester and only have ten weeks left. I know it will fly by and soon there will be three. My mind still can't wrap around that. I'm happy to report that everything in the pregnancy has been going smoothly and there haven't been any complications thus far, praise God!In other news:

  • I've been dabbling with more holistic methods of living and have discovered some things that really do work! (I'll have to share another time.)
  • We've had the opportunity to spend lots of time with various family members. It's been so great living here!
  • Kaiden just finished up his very first season of soccer. He was the cutest player on the field.
  • We are about to go to print for our Summer issue -- it's gorgeous!
  • Ethan loves his job and that makes a world of a difference.
  • I will be speaking at the 2016 Spring Pursuit conference. (Use code "Dianne" to take $100 off of your ticket!)
  • And my soon to be two-years old Skye is officially sleeping in a big girl bed. Crazy, right?!

Time continues to fly by and soon we will be halfway through the year. Hopefully it will not take me another month before I post again. Until next time...