"Mommy Isn't Getting Her Way"

Christian Living, Momhood, Personaladmin5 Comments

IMG_0750-2A few tears rolled down my face. Something I had been dreaming up for a while fell through and my emotions got the best of me. Kaiden saw and asked, "Why are you sad, mommy?" I always try to simplify my responses to him because I know the immediate questions to follow are "Why?" or "What does that mean?" So I thought about how I could explain the situation to him. The words fell out of my mouth as fast as I thought them: "Mommy isn't getting her way."Call it pregnancy hormones. Call it what you will. In those moments I realized how silly I was being...though it still didn't change the way I felt.If there is one thing I've learned over the years it is that I cannot let my emotions control me. I'm an extremely emotional being and for as long as I've permitted my feelings to drive me, I have been a pretty miserable person. The moment I learned to submit how I feel to God and trust what I know to be true about Him in the midst of trials was the moment I broke free from the awful roller coaster cycle of happy and sad. But I still struggle from time to time. And tonight I knew that I could sulk around or trust in God's hand through the turn of events and move forward.I told Kaiden that mommy was just being silly and she needed his help to stop being sad. And so there on the couch he sang me a song. "I love you mommy, I love you mommy. You need to stop being silly and start being happy. I love you mommy, I love you mommy. I love to kiss you. I love to cuddle with you." Naturally, my spirits were lifted.Oh, friends. I am in a different season of life than most my age and sometimes that can be difficult. I look to others and compare "freedoms." Often times my plans are pushed aside for the sake of my husband's odd work schedule or the needs of the kids but that is simply part of being a wife and mom. On a much grander level, this is part of being a follower of Christ. It isn't just some occasional inconvenience but rather a constant saying, "I'm laying my plans down and I'm submitting to yours, Lord." These lessons aren't easy to learn and I clearly am still wrestling through them but I'm thankful for little glimpses of God's grace, sent in the form of a 4-year old singing to his mommy. And in a way, it all becomes full circle. I pour my efforts into my family and, so far as I can see, it is reciprocated back to me.This is, of course, a petty example. There are much bigger things in the world worthy of being labeled a trial. However, if we can respond faithfully to the little than we are better prepared for the big. I'm grateful for a God who cares about it all...who sanctifies and grows me even in most insignificant of things.