Life Update: Our September

Military Life, Momhood, Personaladmin6 Comments

IMG_9882It's been wayyyyy too long since I last posted. I knew that this would be the case but I didn't realize just how busy I would be. I can happily say that we are moved into our house, belongings and all, and we are slowly turning this place into our home. There are still several unopened boxes and most of our walls are bare but I will take this over trailer living any day of the week.Kaiden is loving pre-school. His speech has been improving greatly and according to the teachers, he listens to what they say (for the most part, ha.) I'm starting to work on sleep training with Skye. She still wakes up every three hours at night and although we are bottle feeding, Ethan can't help because he has to wake up for work so early. I found an amazing article on sleep training that I think I will be trying to implement with her. They both get along with each other so well. I've heard horror stories of the older child not liking the younger, but Kaiden is always giving her kisses and hugs. He loves to show her his toys and she laughs at all the goofy things he does. They make a great team.Ethan is loving his job as an Airborne instructor. He just graduated from the "India Program" which is the training that all Airborne instructors go through. In order for him to receive his "black hat" (a respected hat that is worn to signify Airborne instructor status,) he must memorize a 7-page lesson verbatim and present it to several of the people who oversee him. We found a great method of memorizing things verbatim, in case you ever have to do so.The photo business has kind of been put on the back burner. I haven't been pursuing it as hard as I did when we first moved here but family comes first. My goal has been to get us on all on consistent schedule. There is also another project that God laid on my heart about a year ago and I'm really considering pushing forward with it. The thought of doing so scares me because it could completely flop but I know the only way it will succeed is through God's working so I'm just trying to make sure this is His calling for me and not my own. I can't wait to share with you all what it is when the time is right.Taking a break from Facebook was much needed and gave me the opportunity recognize heart issues and internal struggles that I never noticed before. I got so used to have a phone or laptop in my face that my thoughts were always stolen by the latest happenings. I was able to focus more on my family and untangle (so to speak) the mess I called my relationship with God. All in all, life in general has been challenging but I've learned so much about both God and myself through the process. I'm thankful for the growth and for the place it has brought me to.We still have the most basic internet. (AT&T lady screwed up.) It took forever to upload these pics but they are both growing so fast, I need to keep up. Once our house is a bit more settled, I'm hoping to get some pictures of that up. I also have a senior, family and commercial session still to blog. Thanks for your patience, friends! It's been a busy, busy September.IMG_9886IMG_9885IMG_9888