Announcing: Deeply Rooted Magazine

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deeplyrootedstrokeFriends, I am so excited I can hardly contain it. I've been wanting to share with you what I've been pouring my time and energy into over these past few weeks. I'm pushing forward with a project that God laid on my heart several months ago.THE IDEAI've always had a love for taking pictures and for writing. This is why blogging (as nerdy as it sounds) is a hobby of mine. But I knew that beyond the tiny, web-space that "diannejago.com" takes up, there was a bigger plan for how God intended to utilize the gifts He has assigned to me. The idea of creating a magazine came to mind. But it wouldn't be your typical, cluttered, shallow magazine. It would be ad-free, have clean lines, beautiful imagery and incredibly deep content from a variety of Christ-following women.THE NEEDPeople, there is so much garbage  floating around the internet, on the tv and in the newstands. There is great need for such a publication! Pinterest is proof that women are searching. It could be a workout plan, a perfectly curated wardrobe or a collection of self-help quotes. If you untangle all the webs, you will find one common denominator and that is the desire for self improvement. Unfortunately, many Christian women are caught in the undercurrent of these very things. Deeply Rooted Magazine stands to battle the hallow-things in this life that work overtime to steal our attention and affection away from God on a daily basis.  Through a quarterly print and digital publication, it strives to deliver incredibly rich content created by published authors, real-life women, and artists, forming a magazine that will encourage, inspire and challenge you with real, hard Biblical truth. This is not a supplement to the Bible but it aims to draw wives and moms from every background into a deeper union with Jesus Christ.THE RISKThere are a lot of expenses that go into creating an independent publication.  I will be launching a Kickstarter Campaign to raise funding on November 4th. For those of you who are un-famliar with Kickstarter.com, let me just tell you a bit about it. Basically, you launch an idea for some sort of product and you ask the support of friends, family and the internet to pledge a monetary donation towards your campaign. Thanks to the power of social media, people that wouldn't otherwise be reached can help support in such a cause! However, there is a catch. If you do not receive your funding goal, the pledges are dropped and you will not receive a penny towards your cause. This is a huge risk for me (and quite honestly, kind of scares me when I think about it) but I am fully trusting that the same, all-powerful God that laid this idea on my heart will provide through His people.THE NEXT STEPNovember 4th is campaign day! It will run for 30 days. Alongside that, I will be publishing a free, digital 22-page sample issue so that supporters and subscribers will know what to expect. I've been working with 12, volunteer-contributors from all over the US that are equally as passionate about this project as I am. They have been using their time and resources to help put together this sample publication. Lord willing, the first print issue will be ready to mail out February of 2014.THE SUPPORTFriends, if you believe in what I'm trying to do, please support the project in three ways:

  • Pray that we reach the goal for our funding campaign. If we do not reach our funding goal, we will not receive a penny from any of the pledges made.
  • Spread the word. Use all forms of social media to communicate what we are trying to accomplish. The web is a powerful tool that helps reach circles I could never otherwise reach. Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
  • Consider giving. Every dollar counts. Your pledge results in women being inspired and encouraged to become deeply rooted in their faith. (Plus you also receive awesome pledge gifts in the process.) You can give beginning November 4th!

Thank you for your support and please direct all questions to deeplyrootedmag {at} gmail.com.Colossians 2:6-7, "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."