A Film Scan from Mexico.


Well, I'm a little bummed. I've been waiting for my film scans to arrive for a few days now and I just downloaded them all. A lot of them didn't turn out. I brought two rolls of film on the trip: one good roll that was already half used from other random things and another cheap-o roll I had laying around (<<is it lying or laying? I can never get it right haha). The first roll turned out but I had a lot of focusing issues. My camera has this crazy, autofocus system that uses your eye movement to detect the focal point. I haven't figured out how to turn it off and while, it seemed to serve me well for all of our Hawaii prints, it was this go around, not so much. I have several blurry images and simply stated, it makes me sad. As for the second roll... I've shot with the cheap film before and developed it at a local CVS (which I don't recommend but at least they turned out) so I knew I would just have a different tone in my pictures but, these are just extremely grainy and muddy looking. I initially debated whether to send the cheap roll to a different lab than I would my good roll (for cost reasons) but ended up just sending them both.All in all, I think all these pictures will just be stored in personal albums so that I can look at them with their intended purpose (to remember that specific moment) but I probably won't be blowing too many of them up or hanging them on the wall. It's teaching me humility and also serves as a reminder not to always strive for perfection. There's a lot of imperfection in these photographs but blurry or muddy, they still communicate the warm memories behind them.On a happier note, here is a picture that DID turn out. I at least have a handful of these and will post the rest sometime soon. :)