A Day Trip to Sonoma.

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I went into today with the intention of photographing all of it's lovely details. Cafe sandwiches. Quaint, little shops. Fun conversations with friends. The whole she-bang. Our friends Tim and Lauren were in town and so we planned on having lunch and catching up in the cute town of Sonoma. Kaiden fell asleep on the drive there and upon arrival, he woke up with a chip on his shoulder. He walked into the cafe with a pouty-look permanently glued to his face along with the determination to throw every object in his presence. It took him quite a while to warm up but even so, I found my hands full. We got some frozen yogurt and he gripped his cone like some baton he could just wave around as he pleased. (Yepp. Frozen yogurt got all over both Kaiden and mommy.) All this to say, any attempt at taking a picture of much of anything was a fail. When he was younger, moments were easier to capture but it's ok. Part of the reason I'm ok with not photographing as much as I'd like is because I know it's a short season. I see a lot of blogs where every detail is so beautifully captured and I feel like I need to be doing the same thing...but I'm learning to just live in these moments and enjoy them for what they are. I don't need detailed pictures to know that today was truly a blessing. With Ethan gone and a majority of my time spent chasing after a wild child, it was a breath of fresh air to visit with familiar faces in a setting away from my typical day to day routine. :) (We did get a few pictures at the end of the afternoon so this post won't be completely empty!)PS. Be sure to check out their wedding photography blog and leave some love!