Snow Day

Apparently, it snows in the South and I'm glad I didn't get rid of any winter clothes. I'm sure many of you saw things on the news about the Georgia-Alabama area and while it may seem comical that the whole state shut down, I promise you, it was legit.  I grew up in Wisconsin and I've been in my fair share of winter blizzards and icy roads but I wouldn't even drive on these roads when it happened. The day before we were experiencing 50-degree weather, followed by rain and then an instant temperature drop causing all the water to freeze over. There was black ice much so that even Fort Benning told all non-essential personnel to not show up to work. It proved to be a fun day for us and you can bet I pulled out my camera and snapped some shots of Kaiden enjoying his first time playing in the snow.IMG_2105walkIMG_2116IMG_2107IMG_2131IMG_2101IMG_2119IMG_2111IMG_2127 


Behind the Scenes at Deeply Rooted.


No Shampoo - Day One