1 & 2 Peter
A Field Guide to
Biblical illiteracy is a problem among all age groups in the church today, but particularly among teenagers.
Reversing this trend begins by reawakening hearts and minds to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. The verse-by-verse approach of this study provides teens with the rationale for their faith while also teaching, discipling, and training them to place God's Word in its rightful place in their hearts and lives.
This eight-week, in-depth study of 1st and 2nd Peter teaches teens and young adults how to study Scripture for themselves and place God's Word in its rightful place in their hearts and lives.
In addition, this resource is designed to initiate, mobilize, and lay the foundational groundwork required to create a successful discipleship model for reaching students of any spiritual depth and maturity, giving them the biblical confidence to follow Christ in a culture that challenges that daily.
“This study offers a verse-by-verse approach that makes Scripture relevant and accessible. It’s an ideal resource for building a resilient, Christ-centered faith, encouraging teens and young adults to persevere and live out their identity in Christ.”
This study covers a range of important topics like standing firm in faith, understanding true hope, navigating trials, and learning how to live godly lives in a challenging world—all through the lens of Peter’s writings.
This Bible study is different because it’s an expositional study through 1 and 2 Peter, which means it digs deep into the text verse by verse without any fluff. Rather than relying on surface-level questions or broad themes, it includes a thorough commentary to help readers understand and apply the Scripture in a meaningful way. The study was designed with a straightforward approach, guiding readers to engage directly with the Bible and explore the richness of God’s Word.
An expositional study means that we go through each verse in 1 and 2 Peter, explaining its meaning in context. This approach allows for a thorough understanding of the text, focusing on the message of Scripture itself rather than adding external content or themes.
Though our Bible study on 1 and 2 Peter is labeled for teens and young adults, it’s truly designed to benefit all ages. While some of the group activities are geared toward youth, the core study itself offers deep, meaningful insights that are profitable for anyone looking to grow in their faith. Whether you’re a teen or an adult, this study will challenge and encourage you to live out God’s Word more fully!
While it’s excellent for group discussions, especially with its youth-focused activities, this study is also very effective for independent study, offering enough commentary and guidance for personal growth.