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Pregnancy: 34 Weeks

A lot of people ask me if I'm ready. Though the discomforts can get uncomfortable, there are still things I need to do to prepare both mentally and physically. I have yet to finish her nursery and pack my hospital bag. There are also a few small things I need to pick up for her as well -- newborn diapers, an infant bathtub, etc. I also just want more time with Kaiden. These will be the last moments that I get with just him and I, and I want to make sure I don't take these days for granted. From her birth forward, my attention will be divided and so right now I want to ensure that I'm really investing my whole self into him. I'm also in no hurry for those sleepless nights. I plan on breastfeeding and so I know that it will always be me getting up to feed her. I need to spend more time reading up on nursing stuff since my brain is a little fuzzy on it from the few weeks I did it with Kaiden. I made the mistake of wasting my last days sitting around in anticipation with Kaiden and not enjoying the various "freedoms" I had and so I'm making sure that I enjoy my time as a parent of one. Did I mention that I'm nervous about labor, too? I just try not to think about all that could go wrong... So, to answer their question, I'm actually not ready. I can wait and I'm totally ok with that. I'm excited to meet her but I'm in no hurry for the due date to arrive. :) Baby Size & Development:Cantaloupe. She should be able to recognize familiar tunes that I may sing -- how, crazy is that? She also should weigh somewhere between 4-5 lbs.Signs & Symptoms:Mini contractions. This is normal in pregnancy as my body is trying to prep for baby to come.Shortness of Breath. This has definitely been a huge one as of lately. I was sitting in church the other day and my heart was racing! I felt so short of breath and had to do some breathing exercises to slow it down.Best Moment This Week:It would be a tie between working on the nursery and the baby shower. I felt so "showered" with love and gifts but I also loved hanging up all her little decorations that I've been collecting here and there.Worst Moment This Week:There have been many moments where I just feel out of breath and it gets tiring. I'm starting to feel more discomforts but it's still no where near what I remember feeling with Kaiden so it's really not that bad at all.What I Most Look Forward To:The moment Ethan gets back. He is doing two more weeks of training but it will be the last of it until July. I can't wait to have him home consistently for two months straight!