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Momhood is Exhausting.

I'm tired. I am both physically and mentally exhausted. Kaiden keeps me so busy and I would be lying if I said I was anything otherwise. His energy levels are through the roof! You name an activity; we've tried it. We've been there, done that and sometimes it's not enough. I've had a number of strangers recently mention things to me like, "He has so much energy!" or "Is he like this all the time?" The answer is, "Yes he does and yes he is." Ethan's mom warned me. She told me Ethan would constantly wear his shoes through the soles because of how much he ran and biked around. He could go in circles for hours. I see the exact same energy level in Kaiden. He can't sit still. He is constantly running, jumping, climbing. (The crazy thing is, he was just like this even as a newborn. At three days old I couldn't take the typical newborn pictures of him because he wouldn't stop moving or trying to lift his head. I'm telling you, he's not just in a stage! He's just Kaiden.) I am not trying to gain sympathy because I know that I'm not the first mom or the last mom to deal with little boys. I just think that it's much easier to highlight the happier things going in our lives and forget to be transparent with the not-so-happy. I would hate to leave a false impression of a typical day in my life. I do take a lot of pretty pictures of this and that but there are a lot of stress filled moments that may not get photographic spotlight. All this to say, posting is sporadic and will continue to be as a new season approaches us. I'm also working towards more transparency in my blog...because life isn't life without both the ups and downs.