The New Blog-Site!


When we first moved to California several years ago, I was busy pursuing the wedding business. Shortly after our move, I found out I was pregnant with my son Kaiden. We weren't planning on having a kid just yet and that news rocked my world. All the dreams I had for myself were quickly muddied. I was obviously happy about the news but I still struggled with it. Even after his birth I had trouble balancing my desire to pursue my business and being a wife and mom. God used Kaiden to do a tremendous work in me. He taught me a whole lot of humility and revealed the selfish heart that held on so tightly to human plans. Over the months my heart grew more and more to love my role as a mom and now I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Now we have two beautiful children and I can truly say I'm blessed. I still shot weddings and portraits over the years but last August, I pretty much stopped pursuing business unless it came my way.I write all this all because this past week I made a big decision. I've decided that I'm getting back into the photography business but instead of weddings I will be focusing on portraits. I never could have imagined how having kids would drastically improve my photography. Kaiden was a real, living and breathing subject to practice on everyday...except it wasn't practice for me. I was busy capturing memories. Every day life became art to me and I love looking back to see how my eye has developed since his birth. I've learned to shoot in far from ideal conditions (poor lighting, fast toddler feet running, etc.) and I've also learned how to look at life in a different way. This translates into my portrait photography with complete strangers.I love portraits for a number of reasons. For one, they are a controlled setting. Unlike weddings, I don't have the stress and pressure of getting "the shot." If I mess up, (because I'm human still...I do mess up) I can re-take it. I also love portraits because of the importance behind them. Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life but there is soooooo much that happens after marriage. I believe photographs taken at your five or fifty year anniversary display a love that has worked at marriage. A love that shows deep commitment and faithfulness to one. Or how about the portrait of your new baby? There is no moment sweeter to capture than the looks that loving, new parents give their children. And then there are veteran parents with a slew of kids in tote...you know, the family of four that have been through thick and thin together. There is always an occasion to take portraits and I'm happy that I have found my niche.I have a vision for JAGOFOTO and my goal is to give my clients a wonderful experience from beginning to end. This October I will be introducing an awesome line of products that are made from eco-friendly materials, are made in the US and completes the artistic vision I have in mind. I will be a full service studio giving a personal one on one experience to every client that steps foot in my door. My role as a wife and mom still definitely come first but I believe they give me the ability to see life in a totally different way than I did before. All this to say, that is the reason for the new look of this blog-site. I'm still a mom blogger and all my old content is still here but I just wanted to stream line my look for the direction JAGOFOTO is headed. I still plan on writing my honestly writing my heart out and showing off my kids but I also want a place for clients to come and see what JAGOFOTO is all about.So, click around the new blog site and explore! Be sure to click the "Home" button so that you can see what the site looks like not as a blog post. There are some minor things I have yet to work on but for the most part it flows pretty well. If you are in the South Georgia area or know of anyone that is, please pass my name along to them! I will be serving the following cities: Fort Benning, GA // Columbus, GA // Phenix City, AL // Pensacola, FL // Seasonally >> Wisconsin and Pennsylvania