
Baby Girl's 4D Ultrasound Pics

Momhood, Popular Postsadmin9 Comments

It's been a busy few days for us, today included. We had another 4-D ultrasound since Baby wouldn't cooperate last time and we also got some maternity photos taken by a friend! I just wanted to quickly share some of the 4D pics that we recieved today. The reason Baby Girl wouldn't cooperate is because she sleeps with her hands covering her face. She was like this even at our hospital ultrasound so I'm guessing that's her comfortable position. She did a bit better today but the pics still aren't as clear as what others may get. I guess that's the risk you take when you do these ultrasounds but it was still amazing to just watch her yawn, smile and move around...even if her face was buried in the placenta or covered with her hands and feet. :) 

She reminds me so much of Kaiden in this picture. She definitely has the same nose as him. ^^

It was pretty awesome watching her smile... ^^

Our little sleepyhead ^^

She was getting very doze covering her face with her hands and feet. Not sure how this position could be comfortable... ^^

It almost looks like she is praying!

Pointing her fingers at the camera :)

My little hippie child...Kaiden gave us "the bird" at his 4D ultrasound and she threw this up lol. Hopefully it's a foreshadow of her chill personality.

A traditional shot. This way you can see her arm on her face. :)

Pregnancy: Week 22 + An Ultrasound Pic

Momhoodadmin2 Comments

I've been waiting for today's ultrasound. It's supposed to be the "gender reveal" and I just wanted to confirm that we are indeed having a girl since we found out the gender so early (and from a non-hospital place.) I was preparing myself for the idea that we may be having another boy but was happy to hear the re-confirmation that she is indeed, a girl. Though it was rather uncomfortable to drink lots and lots of water an hour before the appointment and even more uncomfortable having a stranger press on my belly to get images, I had a smile on my face the entire time. Baby Girl kept clasping her little hands together like she was praying. She also likes to keep her arms above her head (which is how I've been sleeping a lot lately.) It's always so neat to feel her kick but to actually watch her doing it at the same time is even more amazing. I was afraid that things wouldn't be as exciting the second time around but I can honestly say that I'm enjoying this pregnancy more than the first. There's not as much anxiety since I know what to expect and although everything isn't "new" to me, she is still just as special. I never thought I could make room in my heart for someone other than Ethan but when I met Kaiden, I did. I've already made room in my heart for her but I know it will grow exponentially when I actually see her beautiful face.Baby Size & Development:Papaya. Baby has grown over 2 inches this past week (which would explain my increased hunger symptoms!)Signs & Symptoms:Long hair. I think sometimes I forget how fast pregnancy hair grows. I'd like to say over the course of these 22 weeks it's grown at least 3 inches. I'm trying to grow it out so I'd be pretty pumped if it continued to grow at this rate!Increased hunger. I've been noticing how much more I've been eating lately. I'm not sure if I'm just burning more or what, but my appetite is definitely on the increase and I'm pretty sure I can out-eat my husband haha.Stronger kicks. I may be carrying a future kick boxer...just saying.Best Moment This Week:I had a friend over and we were talking about pregnancy. She said she loved being pregnant and I shared why I don't wish the 9 months to last longer than it needs to. The more she shared about why she loved pregnancy, the more I realized how easy it is to focus on the negatives aspects. Yes, there are discomforts but she reminded me that carrying life is such an incredible thing. I have the chance to know our baby in a way that my husband never will. To this day, I still see Kaiden move certain ways that reminds me of the personality I grew to love when he was in my belly. I'm learning Baby Girl's personality and can't wait to see it in action outside the womb.Worst Moment This Week: Frequent potty breaks. It's annoying.What I Most Look Forward To:I've started thinking about newborn pictures after she is born. I tried taking some with Kaiden but I wasn't as experienced photography-wise and he was just very uncooperative despite my many attempts. I'm hoping she is much more mellow and cooperates. :)

My 12 Week Ultrasound

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

This morning was my 12-week ultrasound! I forgot how uncomfortable ultrasound's are. You have to drink a ton of water so that baby can be seen better. I must've had a ton of water because we could see the baby so clearly. He or she was asleep at first but after a while, we saw baby stretching and wiggling around it's little legs. I don't remember Kaiden being that active during his first ultrasound, so I'm a bit nervous this one may just as much of a ball of energy!  The technician zoomed in and we were able to see it's heart beating. I can't help but get teary eyed. It's one thing to feel the symptoms of carrying a little life but to actually see what's going on inside leaves me at a loss for words. Although baby is only 6 cm long, there's already so much intricacy to his or her life! Everything looks healthy and based off the measurements and calculations, baby is 12 weeks and 6 days. According to my estimated due date, I'm 12 weeks and 2 days, so we aren't too far off.This picture is kind of difficult to tell (it's a cell phone pic of the pic) but the head is at the top and underneath that is the belly. The curved line is it's spine. My next ultrasound isn't until I'm 18-20 weeks (another 6-8 weeks) and that is when we find out the gender!