
Featuring Sevenly and Stand For The Silent


I've got some exciting news to share! I've teamed up with an awesome company called Sevenly, and  will be highlighting their different giving opportunities periodically. Before I get into this weeks opportunity, let me first tell you a little about Sevenly and the heartbeat behind the company.Sevenly is a social good lifestyle brand that partners with a new charity each week, promoting and selling limited edition graphic tees and other lifestyle products. Seven dollars from each sale goes towards the charity of the week, helping raise funds and awareness. Sevenly's foundation is that People Matter, and since their launch in June 2011, Sevenly has continued to lead a generation towards generosity, raising over 2.4 million dollars to date.I first heard about Sevenly from some girls at a Bible study I went to. They were talking about "last week's shirt" and how they were bummed it was sold out in their size. I had no clue what they were talking about until I decided to check it out myself. I love what this company is about and was so excited when they contacted me to feature some incredible charities I probably never would have heard of otherwise. Just to give you an idea of this movement >> last week's charity raised enough money to construct a well in Ethiopia that will provide water to a local population for 20 years!This week's charity is somewhat unique. Sevenly is working with the Stand Up For the Silent (SFTS) program to provide awareness through engaging, factual and emotional methodology. With the help of student leaders, Kirk Smalley presents his inspirational story, and students are shown first-hand the life and death consequences of bullying. Through this unique approach, lives are changed for the better. Students, some for the first time, develop an empathetic awareness through education and understanding.I don't know about you, but I have been a victim of bullying. I remember coming home from school crying everyday because of how I was harassed by other students in school. It is estimated that 13 million kids are bullied in the US each year...and that is only what they can gather through statistics. So often, the result of bullying leads to depression, anxiety, dropping out of school and even suicide.This week, we are helping to end bullying. Sevenly and Stand For the Silent are working together to educate and rally students to run anti-bullying initiatives. These students will no longer stand for their peers to suffer at the hands of a bully by joining together in a school wide pledge against bullying behavior. Every $2,000 we raise, we fund a school wide crusade against bullying.By purchasing from Sevenly this week, you get us one step closer to end bullying plus you get an awesome tee shirt in the process! Have you been a vicitim of bullying? Please comment below and share if you have! I think we would be surprised how many of us really have been a victim of it.