
Skye's Boho-Themed Nursery

Homemaking, Momhood, Popular Postsadmin18 Comments

I am so excited to finally post pictures of our little girl's nursery. Since we live in military housing, it can be difficult to really make your house into a home especially knowing that we are up for a move sometime within the next year. However, I'm growing to love a more minimal look and am embracing white walls and less clutter. I also didn't want to spend a ton of money on her nursery since I know that this is more for me than anything. I'm happy to say that it turned out better than I imagined and almost everything I bought was either thrifted, gifted or heavily discounted. It's been a slowwwww process of curating random items but it's been fun piecing it all together. Everything was based off the vintage crib sheet I had made for her and centered around the idea of an earthy, bohemian atmosphere. Take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think!I got the wooden chair at a thrift store for $10. The crib was Kaiden's when he was little so there was no cost there. I made the crib sheet from a $2 thrift store vintage, flat bed sheet.The pillows were $2 each from a thrift store. They have such unique designs and I know I would never be able to find them at a normal dept. store! // The hooks on the right are from World Market but I already had them on hand. // The little dress is from our trip to Cabo. // I'm super pumped to use this Maya Wrap ring sling that I won off Ebay several months ago for 1/4 the price of what they normally cost!The dresser was from our bedroom but I just re-arranged closets so that she would have a dresser/changing table. // I found the bird painting at a thrift store for $3. It's probably my favorite find ever!Curtain ties as decor were $3 each from Ross // A little rocking chair passed down from Ethan's family and a vintage, crochet blanket I got at an antique store for $10 // Some bird garland from World Market for $4More World Market Garland $7// All gifts from my baby shower! Handmade burp clothes from Etsy, Dr. Brommer's Castille Soap (lasts you forever) and the most AMAZING smelling organic baby lotion and shampoo by Shea MoistureHandmade letters for her name ($8 in Michael's supplies) // Organic, terry cloth diaper cover from Marshall's for $5// $2.50 lamp bought from a yard sale // Framed print and embroidery hoop made by friends // Wire bird cage with clothes pins and ultrasound pics $8 on clearance at Michaels (you can kind of see it hanging on the right)This canopy was the "big splurge" but I looked and looked and couldn't find one like it anywhere else. It was priced at $50 but I had  $20 in World Market store credit so it ended up costing me $30 in the end. // This BEAUTIFUL feather mobile was a baby shower gift handmade by one of my dear friends. It's beyond perfect...The faux sheepskin was $10 at Ikea and will be used for her newborn pics! // The rug is from Ross and was only $10 but it required a rug mat underneath which was $6. // I already had the white curtains and floor basket (which I filled with baby blankets and a boppy pillow.) // The curtain rod was $15 at Ross.Let me just add that our goal was to save money. I want to say in total all the nursery decor costed us around $130 and that was over a span of several months. Ross and thrift stores are my go to places and I made sure to purchase pieces sparingly, ensuring that they could be used as she grows older or in other portions of our house. It took a lot of digging (through dusty dirty junk), a lot of cleaning and washing but like they say: one man's junk is another (wo)man's treasure. :)

A Few Finished Baby Projects.

Momhoodadmin3 Comments

Though I received a lot of positive feedback on my post about the plan to "avoid pink," I think my post confused a lot of people. To this day I still have people say things like, "Oh, but you don't like pink," or "Why did you buy that? It has pink in it." I've pinned pink things on Pinterest and posted pink things on Facebook and immediately people point out the obvious fact that the item is pink. I've been told that our little girl will look un-feminine and I've even had pink-loving moms become take offense because they love to dress their girls in pink. Please let me be clear: my post was never meant to attack anyone who loves pink. I simply don't prefer it. It cracks me up because I made sure to mention the fact that our little girl WILL wear pink, it's just that I am purposefully going out of my way to buy other colors too. I have different taste than most people, so naturally, how I choose to decorate her nursery or dress her up will follow suit. She will still be feminine and if down the road, she decides she loves pink then I will be all about it too. I honestly didn't think my post would be an issue (nor did I intend for it to be...it was just supposed to be a fun share) but I just had to type this all out to clarify what I meant and to ensure that I hopefully won't hear about it again haha. All this to say, I've been finding creative ways to personalize Baby Girl's things and break away from the traditional go-to color. Pinterest has once again come to my aid to help me find all sorts of tutorials and neat projects. Here are three projects I recently finished... (And hey! -- they incorporate some pink!)I found this green Peg Perego carseat  for FREE. It's in great condition and looks like it was used maybe once! For those of you who don't know the brand, these carseats range from $200-$300 so it was a huge blessing to stumble upon it the way I did. Although green is techinically a neutral color in baby world, I wanted to girly it up a bit to ensure that no one mistakes her for a boy. I used a vintage flat sheet I bought at a thriftstore ($2) and followed this tutorial. My only other costs were the underneath fabric ($4) and the velcro ($1.50.)I've been collecting white onesies that I find for free here and there. I used some leftover fabric dye I have here at home and mixed up the colors to see what I could come up with. I'm still debating whether or not I will use a bleach pen and add some design (inspiration here) or if I will just leave them as is. As you can see, there are various shades of pink which is keeping away from the typical hot pink and light pink you see at the stores. I love that they are all more earthy tones. Total cost? FREE!I also used the remainder of that vintage flat sheet I had and made her a fitted crib sheet (tutorial here.) This picture makes it look really busy but I know once it is flat in her crib it won't be as distracting. I love that it keeps with the bohemian themes I'm shooting for and am excited for the moment I get to place it in her crib along with all her other things I've gathered. The only additional cost I had was the elastic and that was $1.80.I still have a few other DIY projects I may or may not try to tackle...DIY baby bloomers, bibs, a feather mobile, homemade gauze blankets, fabric rattles, and cute diaper pouches. We'll see how far I get. Do you have any baby related DIY projects that you recommend? Comment below and let me know. I'd love some more inspiration!

Baby Girl's Nursery Pieces.

Momhoodadmin1 Comment

I recently wrote a post about our (future) baby girl wearing colors other than pink. Perhaps it's a bit un-traditional but if that's the case, then a lot about her will be un-traditional including her nursery. We actually won't be able to decorate her nursery for a while because the house we are currently living in doesn't have any extra space for her room. (We don't have a garage so a lot of our extra space has become storage.) If we are still in California, we will be moving to a different house on base and then we can set up her room but that won't be until two months after she is born. Nonetheless, I have still been picking up things here and there as I find them, so long as the price stays within my thrifty guidelines!So far, it looks as if the room's main colors will be cream with hints of reds, oranges and other bright colors. I want a bohemian feel and am taking a lot of inspiration from this room here. Here are a few things that I've gathered for her nursery and I'm excited for the time that I will see it all tie together!From left to right:A felt turkey made in Hungary that I got at a thrift store for 50 cents. I plan on hanging it on her door or using it as a part of her mobile.A vintage dress that was given to me for FREE by a vintage boutique owner. She was closing shop and it is a bit ratty but hey, I'll take free! It will probably hang somewhere on her wall.An embroidery hoop made my friend Josi that says, "In Christ Alone." She made Kaiden a stuffed giraffe before he was born so it's neat that Baby Girl has something too. :)A crochet table cloth that definitely has a bohemian feel to it. I'll probably drape it over her crib, hang it on the wall or use it as the fabric on an a-frame tent...still deciding! I scored this for $12 at an antique shop. (They go for $100+ on Etsy!)