
Natural Living.

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A few weeks ago I had a cold that kept lingering. Pregnancy limits the medications I can and cannot take, which left me with little relief. I began to research natural remedies and immediately, tried two: One of them was mixing a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon with hot water and a squeeze of lemon, and the other was a facial steam containing rosemary, thyme, and oregano in hot water. I was actually able to breathe when I slept that night because my congestion had cleared and I felt much better the next day! It got me hooked on natural remedies and made me wonder why I wouldn't opt for more natural methods as opposed to medicine containing ingredients I can't even pronounce.Without even realizing it, I've slowly started incorporating more natural methods in our household. I started buying Method cleaning products when I was pregnant with Kaiden so I wouldn't inhale bad fumes. I switched from Yankee Candle to Scentsy for the very same reason. I started using Veggie Spray to clean the chemicals off my produce. I started using a lot more Paleo recipes in my cooking to start eating healthier. These were all little decisions I've made at different points but it wasn't until recently that I started seriously looking into it. My recent shift in philosophy about medicine has spread to other areas of my life, including what I cook. I usually make most things from scratch for both taste and quality's sake. My motto has always been if I'm going to eat something unhealthy or high in calories, I'd rather control what I put into it. This meant that cutting out the foods with ingredients I couldn't pronounce wouldn't be as drastic of a transition as it may be for others. However, I was still surprised to find that a lot of the products I buy contain GMO's (genetically modified organisms), preservatives and other added chemicals. This included my everyday purchases such as meat and even a large amount of produce...things that were supposed to be healthier. Did you know that 80% of food in America contains GMO's? (source) What's so bad about GMO's? Take aspartame for instance. It is a the fecal matter of genetically modified e.coli bacteria and is commonly found in diet sodas, gum and artificial sweeteners. It's side effects include rashes, heart palpitations insomnia and seizures and it has been linked to cancer, birth defects, and more (source.) This is just one of the many things we unknowingly put into our bodies. I don't think it's coincidence that obesity, food allergies, cancer, miscarriages and infertility (to name a few) are on the rise in this country. When we begin to tamper with God's creation or try to play God, consequences do occur. This is not to say that modern medicine/technology doesn't have it's place. I just believe we need to be more aware of the things we are choosing to ingest.When I grocery shop now, I look at the labels and am aware of the ingredients I need to look out for. Most of the time I end up purchasing organic versions of things I used to buy previously, but I've also tried making other things, like spaghetti sauce, from scratch. It is definitely time consuming but there's just something about stuffing your face with food that tastes good, has high nutritional value and doesn't make you feel guilty afterwards. I must remember, however, that this lifestyle requires balance. Obviously, I can't cook from scratch every single day. Also, I'm sure everyone would love to eat healthier but there is a price tag. I try my best to make the smarter choice but there are just some things I have to live with. For instance, ,ost of the zucchini and squash you see is genetically modified. Or sometimes, the non-organic version is half the price. Pick and choose your battles but  be sure to choose knowledge over ignorance and act accordingly.I will admit that initially, the word "organic" was a turn off to me and my husband because of how trendy it became...I always thought it was just a ploy to make more money (and in some cases it is...that's why you really need to read your labels) but I'm learning that this "trend" actually has great health benefits. People have spoken out for a reason and have chosen to live a more natural lifestyle because they are sick of the processed foods that we are consistently consuming. So, I encourage you to look into making some natural transitions in your lifestyle. Try a cold remedy. Buy some essential oils and discover all the crazy uses. Switch out the chemicals in your home with green-er products so your family isn't inhaling junk.  Study up on GMO's and start reading your labels. Take it one step and at a time. Ultimately, God is the one in control of someone's fate/health but it is still equally as important to treat our bodies as the temple of God we are called to be.PS. I saw a trick on Pinterest with the green onions I have pictured above. After you are done using your green onion, save the white bulb, stick it in water and watch it grow! It really works!Here's some awesome resources to help you get started:Wellness MamaThe NON-Gmo ProjectMy "Natural Living" Pinterest BoardAlso, I found this natural living e-book bundle that is on sale until Monday! 5 Ebooks for $7.40 including titles about homemade, natural baby products, homemade beauty products and more.BundleoftheWeek.com, 5 eBooks for $7.40!