
New Year's Resolutions.

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We are almost into 2013 and it's a little ridiculous, if you ask me.  I feel like it was just yesterday I was planning out "twenty-twelve". Now it's over and there are things left both accomplished and unaccomplished. If I had to describe 2012 in one word it would have to be: humbled. We've had a lot of changes happen over the past year (being told we are moving to multiple locations, selling our house and a lot of our belongings, being homeless for a few weeks, injured husband amongst other things.) There have been a number of lessons God has taught me through events I never could've imagined would happen. It hasn't been an easy year but it has been one that has humbled me and strengthened me.I plan on pushing forward towards this upcoming year with a renewed spirit from events past. I've re-discovered that the uncertainty of our future is an ever-present reality and all I can do about it is rest in God's perfect plan. With that said, I never go too crazy on New Year's resolutions but I do have a few goals for the year:1. Be an "excellent" wife. It sounds like a silly goal but the Bible has a few passages (Proverbs 31, Titus2, etc.) that paint the picture of an "excellent wife." She is one that puts her husband and family above herself and gives to their benefit. This past year I struggled A LOT with finding a balance between my role as a mom and juggling my career. I finally made the decision to hold off my photography business (though, I never publically announced it) so that I could give my full energy and attention to my family. I feel that our society tends to frown upon stay at home moms, which indirectly results in a lot of moms feeling as though their purpose at home is not much a purpose at all. This couldn't be further from the truth. From a Biblical perspective, the excellent wife is exalted for her self-sacrificing love towards her family and she is the backbone to which they depend on. This year and all the years of my life, I want to strive to be the noble, virtuous character I am called to be.2. Serve more. Coupled with the lesson in humility is the lesson of service. How can I give more? I spent a lot of my energy ins 2012 trying to make friends and build relationships, which needs to be done, but this year I want to focus more of that energy on finding ways to be used for God's glory. Whether it's by simply making a meal for someone who just got out of the hospital or working at a shelter, I am going to start praying for more opportunities to serve and use the talents He has blessed me with. I'm not sure how that will play out but I'm excited to see what He opens.3. Live simply. We've never really had a problem of living in excess but  I can admit we are blessed with a lot of nice things. I want to cut back even more on the things I choose to spend my money on. If I can live with the mentality that every penny is a gift from God, I think I will be a better steward with the resources given to me.4. Ditch idleness. I spend way too much time on Facebook, Pinterest and the internet in general. I know I would be a lot more productive and cut out a lot of self-inflicted drama if I managed my time better. I've often thought of getting rid of my Facebook all together but I'm still on the fence about that. I wish I just had enough self control to not go on it all the time but it's become such a habit. One way or another, I need to fix this FB bug!5. Photograph more. When I look at my 2012 photo archives, I find more pictures of other people's faces than I do my own family. While I do enjoy photographing other people's "big moments," I want to spend my time living my own moments and being able to capture them. I want to document more of our day to day life and at the end of the year, create a giant book to tell 2013's story.6. Blog more consistently. This was my goal for last year and it will continue to be my goal for this year. I still suck at being consistent but maybe my time management goal will fix this. :)Of course, there are many life's desires that need no renewal because of the change of year, but these are just a few I thought I would share. If you had to describe your 2012 in one word, what would it be? What has God taught you over the past year? What are some of your New Year's Resolutions? Comment below, I'd love to hear!