
Why Speaking About the Law is Necessary for Reaching the Lost | Christian Living

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One of my favorite lines from a Lecrae song says, "If he [Jesus] is truly raised to life, then this news should change your life." If I TRULY believe the eternal outcome -- heaven or hell -- then shouldn't I be warning people? Shouldn't I be sharing the good news: we have hope in Jesus!? Back in college, I met someone who was so passionate about witnessing. I started going out witnessing every Friday night and it began to open my eyes to the lost. Once I left college, the witnessing stopped, I no longer was surrounded with dozens of Christian friends which caused a slow process of figuring out why I believe, what I believe. In the process, however, I began to take "the friend approach" to witnessing. As long as I was a living testimony, maybe someone would come up to me and ask what was so different about me. That almost never happened. I had a few opportunities to share my faith but that was it. I am being completely honest when I say that I am scared to witness. I am scared of what someone might say or think. I'm afraid that what I have to say may offend them. So this friend approach to witnessing works out in my favor because I simply don't have to "unless I feel led" or unless an opportunity comes my way. This approach allows me to do loving acts for the lost, without outrightly and boldly speaking truth. I say all this so that you don't go into this post thinking I think I have my evangelizing all together. I'm still learning and I still struggle in this area of my Christian walk.(Let me just clarify that "the law" refers to the Mosaic law, not the laws given by our US government. The mosaic law is the 10 commandments, which is the set of standards God has held us to until Jesus came to fulfill the law. Click here to better understand what I am talking about....)There is no true evangelism without the doctrine of sin, and without an understanding of what sin is. I do not want to be unfair, but I say that a gospel which merely says, 'Come to Jesus,' and offers Him as a Friend, and offers a marvelous new life, without convicting of sin, is not New Testament evangelism. The essence of evangelism is to start by preaching the Law; and it is because the Law has not been preached that we have had so much superficial evangelism. True evangelism . . . must always start by preaching the Law. " -- Martyn Lloyd-JonesIn its true and proper work and purpose it [the law] humbles a man and prepares him -- if he uses the Law correctly -- to yearn and seek for grace."-- Martin LutherThis is why statements like, "To win people to Jesus, we just need to befriend people, show them love and simply pray," take away from the purpose of Scripture as a whole. We still should befriend people, serve with loving acts and, of course, pray,  BUT we must not leave out the fact that the great commission requires us to (lovingly) speak TRUTH. This means telling people about His law/standards and explaining the eternal consequences, so that they may see their inadequacy and realize their need for a Savior. The law was never meant to be a means of salvation but rather a means of pointing us back to Christ. The bottom line is: God is love just as much as God is just. We cannot share one aspect of Him without the other, and this includes His perfect law. To present the gospel otherwise is perpetuating a false, misleading gospel that leaves people not fully understanding the consequences of sin (or need for a Savior), leaves people lacking genuine repentance, and therefore, leading them to a false hope of their eternal outcome.I've been to churches where the law was abused and have witnessed a lack of love, but this is no reason for us to jump to the other extreme and overlook the law altogether. The minute we dismiss the law in the name of love or trying not to scare people off, is the minute we dismiss Christ's job to fulfill the law and display the ultimate act of love. Without the law, we would have nothing to be saved from.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. -- Matthew 5:17-20The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. -- Psalm 19:7

Ray Comfort outlines it perfectly when he says, ". . . telling you precisely what you have done wrong first actually makes the good news make sense. If I don't clearly bring instruction and understanding that you have violated the law, then the good news will seem foolishness; it will seem offensive. But once you understand that you have broken the law, then the good news that your penalty has been paid will become good news indeed." This has been something that has been a burning passion in my heart for a while now, but I didn't know how to put it into words until reading, God Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life: The Myth of the Modern Message. (You can download the PDF for free here or request a hard-copy of the book for free as well.) The more people that I talk to (both saved and un-saved), the more that I realize their is a large mass of people with a skewed understanding of Chrisitanity. We, Christians, need to get back to the basics, re-learn our core beliefs, and dedicate ourselves to fully understanding the foundations of Christianity (in this case, the law) before we can confidently stand and share our faith. If what I said about the law is true, than the implications of this message shatter the approach many take to sharing the Gospel. (This should also radically change the way we approach our relationships with people...)This is not to say that social justice projects and other ministries are ineffective and we should "only be standing on street corners preaching hell, fire and brimstone"...so, please do not mistake me. What this this does imply is that we need to be actively evangelizing by sharing the law hand in hand with love and grace. We can confirm our words by our actions through these ministries but they are just a means to display the love of God. The ultimate act of love is the cross, which is pointed out time and time again throughout the New Testament. True love presents each individual's eternal outcome, points out how we haven't measured up to the law and points back to how the cross saves us. True love may not be received well but it is our duty to speak it and there is no excuse for not doing so.** please note that you have the right to disagree, all I ask is that if you do comment, please do it in a respectful manner. thanks!