
My 12 Week Ultrasound

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

This morning was my 12-week ultrasound! I forgot how uncomfortable ultrasound's are. You have to drink a ton of water so that baby can be seen better. I must've had a ton of water because we could see the baby so clearly. He or she was asleep at first but after a while, we saw baby stretching and wiggling around it's little legs. I don't remember Kaiden being that active during his first ultrasound, so I'm a bit nervous this one may just as much of a ball of energy!  The technician zoomed in and we were able to see it's heart beating. I can't help but get teary eyed. It's one thing to feel the symptoms of carrying a little life but to actually see what's going on inside leaves me at a loss for words. Although baby is only 6 cm long, there's already so much intricacy to his or her life! Everything looks healthy and based off the measurements and calculations, baby is 12 weeks and 6 days. According to my estimated due date, I'm 12 weeks and 2 days, so we aren't too far off.This picture is kind of difficult to tell (it's a cell phone pic of the pic) but the head is at the top and underneath that is the belly. The curved line is it's spine. My next ultrasound isn't until I'm 18-20 weeks (another 6-8 weeks) and that is when we find out the gender!