
Happy Thanksgiving!

Christian LivingadminComment

I love Thanksgiving. I love that Christmas is right around the corner. I love the Black Friday deals that follow Thanksgiving day. Most of all, I love the food, friends and family that this holiday brings. Unlike most other commercialized holidays, Thanksgiving is definitely one that has stayed true to it's roots. I've seen Facebook status after Facebook status from friends posting about the things things they are grateful for. It is simply beautiful to stop and recognize both the little and big things we are blessed with. (How ironic, though, that we throw that all out the next day during Black Friday shopping, but I digress...)This past summer I started the book, One Thousand Gifts. Since then, I've been trying to focus more on gratitude and contentment. I'll admit, I'm still only 50% through the book but her main message is clear: the author gives her testimony of her journey of re-discovering blessings. She begins to record all of the things she is grateful for and that truly transforms her perspective on life. If you click the "1,000" tab on the side of my page you'll see what I've started...I still have hundreds more to list but it's neat to be able to look at an already long list and see how good God really is. I encourage you to do the same. Keep a list of everything you are thankful for. Blog it. Journal it. Write it down and don't lose it. Don't let Thanksgiving be the one day (or month) that you recognize and appreciate the blessings you've been given. Happy Thanksgiving, friends! May you have a fun (and tasty!) holiday weekend with lots of Thanksigving leftovers :)

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. -- Psalm 107:1

Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples. -- 1 Chronicles 16:8

Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. -- Colossians 2:8-7

In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

A Collection of FREE Thanksgiving Printables

All, Homemakingadmin1 Comment

I know I just recently posted about putting up Christmas decor, BUT in my defense, I still have been attempting to find little ways of spreading Thanksgiving cheer around the house. I've curated (5) FREE Thanksgiving printables from all over the web so power up that printer and make use of this resource!

From top to bottom and left to right:

1 // I Am Thankful For Cards by Coordinately Yours ... Perfect for your Thanksgiving place settings. Write down what you are thankful for and save the cards so you can read them next Thanksgiving.2// Give Thanks Invitations by Nicole's Classes ... A fill in the blank, printable invitation to your scrumptious Thanksgiving meal.3//  Thankful Notes by Oana Befort ... Scatter these "thankful cards" all around your house so you will remember to be grateful year round.4// Give Thanks Tags by Polkadot Print Studios ... These can be used for table decor but were created for a variety of options! The possibilities are limitless.5// Thankful Cards by Oana Befort ... These fold out cards are perfect for mailing out to loved ones who may not be able to share Thanksgiving Day with you.

With this economy, free is hard to come by but it's great to know that there are people out there sharing their creativity, resulting in a few extra, warm touches to add to our Thanksgiving Day! If you do decide to print, be sure to comment on their post and give these designers a BIG thank you.