Skye is Two


IMG_1894Our sweet Skye turned 2 today. It's been so amazing watching her grow into the little lady she is. I really feel like her personality has come out over the course of this past year. She is full of pep, spunk, and is extremely silly. She loves to both pour a good cup of pretend tea and play cars with her big brother. Her everyday vocabulary includes words like flower, oh-no, bubbles, and elephant. Apple juice, cherry tomatoes, and tortillas are some of her favorite food to eat. She loves getting her toe nails painted and she can count all the way to 15.I'm still amazed at the little lives that God has entrusted to Ethan and I. Skye is such a blessing and I am certain that God has great plans for this girl. Happy birthday my sweet, Skye-baby. Your mommy loves you more than you'll ever know.