Skye is One Month Old

Momhoodadmin2 Comments

My little girl is a month old today and I'm still wondering where the time went. Was it really one month ago that I went into labor and met her for the first time? Time sure does fly. I've gotten to know her personality more over this past month and it only confirms what I expected to be when she was in my belly. She is very calm and quite easy to take care of (in comparison to when Kaiden was this age.) As long as she gets what she wants/needs (aka food, diaper change and being held) she is a very content baby. The one thing she doesn't seem to like is getting dressed or anything that requires her to be all by herself with arms free. It's actually kind of funny how much she panics and grabs the air trying to hold onto something. She wants me near and there's no better feeling. There are times when I'm the only one who can soothe her and it feels great to be needed in that way. Ahhh...it's so hard to put into words how my heart can make room for another person but it has and I'm head over heels for my little girl. I can't help but wonder...what will her voice sound like? What kind of a personality will she have? What things will she like or not like? Only time will tell but all I know is she has such a sweet temperament and I'm excited to see how God uses her in the future.