Road Trip Day 5+6: New Mexico and the Road

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Blogging has been a bit delayed since our arrival in Georgia. We have been house hunting and taking care of a lot of the in-processing stuff that needs to be done for our family. We also spent the weekend in Pensacola where we didn't have wi-fi so I'm finally getting around to this post!Days 5 and 6 were spent mostly on the road. We left Flagstaff (attempted to check out a Native American festival that turned out to be a total flop) and headed to stay with our friends stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every exit seemed to have colorful little shops that sold a variety of Native American goods. If I had it my way, we would've probably stopped at every one of them and never made it to our destination. I'm glad that Ethan chose this one to visit. It was nice being able to stretch out our legs and snap a few pics.They also had dinosaurs, of course.Kaiden got to pick outa free piece of petrified wood.The scenery was constantly changing and we went from desserts to a more mountainous landscape.There was definitely a boring part of our ride where I found myself taking pictures of random things just to pass the time. Kaiden was getting sick of it haha.We finally made it to our friend's house where they had a DELICIOUS home-cooked meal waiting for us. It was so nice to take a step back from more of the touristy stuff and just unwind with good food and company.I was obsessed with thier hammock in the back and had to take a picture of it lol. // Do you see one of their dogs peeking at the camera? Kaiden was in love with them!They gave Skye a pair of moccassins that fit her perfectly!A delicious Southwest breakfast.I also snapped a few photos of them. Barbara is a photographer too so she knows what it's like to always be behind the camera and never in front of it.So we got back on the road but after several hours, we noticed that Ethan's truck was acting up. We decided to pull over and give it a rest.We ordered some pizza from the restaurant attached to the gas station and it actually turned out to be quite delicious. Our road side stop turned out to be more of a picnic. :)After eating, we got back on the road and drove our longest stretch which was about 9-10 hours to our family in Oklahoma. We had initially planned to stop in Amarillo, Texas but since it was already night and the kids were asleep, it seemed most logical to continue on. I'm so glad we did because it gave us an extra day in Oklahoma (which I will be blogging about soon!) Thanks for your patience, friends! A lot has happened since this post and I can't wait to update y'all! (<<I'm already becoming a Southerner, see?)