Living Large On Little: How I Thrift Part 2

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My last post in this series talked about finding your style and how that can apply to all of your shopping -- home decor, clothing, thrifting, etc. Knowing what you love is crucial to helping you save money and eliminate things that are "nice" but not necessary. Today we are back on the topic of thrifting. Let's just dive into it...BRING A FRIEND OR TWO//There are many great reason's for having thrifting buddies.

  1. You aren't alone. Thrift stores draw in all sorts of people. Old, young, and the occasional creeper. Shopping in a group makes you less vulnerable no matter what situation you are in.
  2. You have a second pair of eyes. Make it clear beforehand what you are looking for and what your friend is looking for. This way you both can help each other out! Thrifting takes time because you have toe search every aisle for the hidden treasures...another pair of eyes helps!
  3. You have a walking, talking reality check. If your friend can talk you out of it, then you don't need it. There may be an extremely cute vintage dress but it's just not practical and your friend will be the first to pull your head out of the clouds and tell you. This may seem like motivation to not have a friend but again, if you are trying to save $$, this is great way to learn self control.
  1. Carry hand sanitizer ALWAYS. Most thrift stores have it at the cash register but it's great to have a small bottle in your purse just in case. Digging through old junk = lots of guaranteed germs and dirt.
  2. Expect to clean all items you purchase. Most everything I have purchased, I've had to clean with lysol wipes, bleach and/or wash in hot, detergent-filled water. This is the sacrifice you make for paying next to nothing for items. Many people cannot get past the cobwebs and dirt, and that is where I find what I find. If you are a germaphobe, thrifting may not be for you lol.

USE YOUR EYES //I can't tell you how many times people have said to me, "You always find the good deals!" or "How did you spot that?" This can apply to any shopping situation but in thrifting you have to be patient and observant of everything.

  1. Look for distinct patterns, colors and textures that resemble the items you are looking for. This will train your eyes to spot things from a distance amongst hundreds of other items.
  2. Look out for employees that are re-stocking shelves and racks. You would be surprised how much new inventory is constantly flowing throughout these stores.
  3. Look for a sign (when you enter the store) that announces when the next sale will be. This will help you in case you find an item you are on the fence about. If the sale is just around the corner, hide the item and then come back. That's probably against thirsters etiquette but if it's gone, it wasn't meant to be!
Next time I'll be talking about what exactly I do when I walk into a thrift store. As I'm typing all of this out, I'm realizing it all sounds a bit nerdy haha. If these posts are helping you, let me know and comment below!