Harvesting My Carrots

Homemakingadmin2 Comments

A few months ago, I blogged about how excited I was to start gardening. We have a tiny yard and so Ethan built me a 2 x 2 box for container gardening. It was actually much harder to maintain than I imagined. Even though I was doing the square foot gardening method, I ended up killing off all my plants (tomatoes, green peppers and lettuce.) I was pretty good about remembering to water them but if I missed even just a day, I would find the lettuce leaves wilting or the seedling plant withering because of how dry and hot it gets out here. The only success I had was my carrots and I believe they were more forgiving because they grow underneath the dirt. Today, I finally harvested them and I felt like a kid in a candy shop as I uprooted them all. It's been so neat watching the transformation from seed to plant and it was even more exciting taking my first bite. They are definitely smaller in size but they have so much more flavor than store bought carrots. Although, I only have a handful of carrots after all this time, it gets me excited to have a REAL garden where I can actually plant things in the ground once we move to Georgia!