My Etsy Shop: Sparrownest Vintage

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I love thrifting, scouring vintage stores and perusing antique malls. A good majority of our house is furnished with thrifted pieces and my closet is slowly following suit. There are so many times that I find pieces that don't fit but I know someone would love. A few months ago I bought a few of those items and decided to take a chance and sell them on Etsy. They sold and it was at that point that I decided I would start curating vintage. It's been a matter of taking the time to take pictures and measure the pieces that has kept me procrastinating but today I finally got around to listing them all.I would love to own a little boutique one day but at this point I'm going to start small. Stop by my Etsy shop, browse around and let me know if there is anything specific you are looking for. I'm always on the hunt for something new and this has been a great hobby outside of my job as a stay at home mom.Thanks to Ethan's beautiful cousin and my dear friend, Kailyn, for being my model. You can find more pictures like these at the shop here.