A Lesson from Valentine's Past.

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I remember feeling very discontent in college because I was "single." Looking back at it now, it seems silly (since I was still very young) but I've always been a hopeless romantic. Everyone on campus seemed to have a special someone and a good number of my Friday nights were spent in my dorm, while friends went off on dates with their boyfriends. But I will never forget the moment that I learned to be content in my singleness. God had been doing a work in my heart and brought me to the point where I realized that true joy comes from knowing Him and not a relationship. I remember writing a post  encouraging friends to use their gift of singleness to wholly-pursue God while waiting on His perfect timing.That was five years ago on Valentine's Day. I had no idea that I would start talking with Ethan about a month later. I never would've expected our conversations to result in a first date. I never imagined him proposing. I never expected to be walking down the aisle a little over a year later and saying, "I do." We will be celebrating another anniversary very soon and I'm in awe at how everything has unfolded...two Valentine dates and one little Valentine on the way. God is so good.Though, I have been happily married for quite a while, one thing hasn't changed and that is the same truth I discovered five years ago: true joy comes from knowing God and not from an earthly relationship (and I mean really knowing Him...studying His Word, communing with Him, diving well beyond head knowledge into a heart-felt relationship.) I love Ethan and I love marriage with Ethan but we both know that keeping God at the center of our relationship is what makes our marriage work...and it's very clear when that focus begins to shift because then our marriage doesn't seem as "joyful." So whether you are married or single: cling to this truth. Because let's face it, Valentine's Day is nothing more than a commercial holiday that makes single people feel lonely and husbands feel broke, but a relationship with the Lord is eternal and the only thing that will bring true joy.Happy Valentine's Day, friends."--but God shows his love for us in that while we were yet still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8