A Joyful, Yet Heart-breaking Visit.

Military Life, Personaladmin1 Comment

Whenever I visit Ethan's family in Pennsylvania or my family in Wisconsin, I always feel so over-joyed and yet so heart-broken at the same time. I've been in Pennsylvania these past few days and so far, it's been a weekend of laughter, family jokes and relaxing. I've had the opportunity to watch Kaiden bond with family that he never sees and have also been able to take a step back so I can rest and let others help me with him. I love these moments when we are all together and honestly, it makes me never want to fly back to California again. The heartbreaking part is the fact that these moments are not reality. Reality is the fact that we will never be placed in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania because there aren't bases in either state. Before I know it, we will be back on a plane headed toward "home" and the daily routine will pick up where it left off. All this to say, I am reminded to enjoy the moments I have with his family this week. These moments are blessings to be thankful for and are memories that will forever be etched on my heart.