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Pregnancy: 25 Weeks

I have about 3.5 months to go before Baby Girl arrives! We are still discussing names. I have a first name in mind but seem to really be struggling with a middle name that flows well with it. Her name has changed quite a bit over the months and so we still aren't telling anyone (not even family!) what we are thinking. When we first started telling people baby names, we got a lot of opinions (because we are choosing some unique and non-traditional) and I'd just rather not deal with that at the moment. We were confident with Kaiden's name but with Baby Girl's, I think I want to meet her first before making any final decisions. :)Baby Size & Development:Cauliflower. She is growing more hair and more fat on her body! She also can tell up from down. She now should weigh about 1.5 lbs and be a little over 13 inches long.Signs & Symptoms:Braxton Hicks Contractions. I don't think I noticed them very much until the end of my pregnancy with Kaiden, but all this past week I've felt them. They aren't painful but the best way to describe them is that that my belly becomes rock hard whenever it is contracting. I especially feel them when I exercise! They are completely normal, however, and are my body's way of preparing for the real deal.Baby Movement. Her moves are becoming more distinct feeling. Sometimes I jump up because of how crazy it feels.Best Moment This Week:I attended my first pre-natal yoga class and I love it! It's free on base and there is childcare for Kaiden, so I'll be attending twice a week. I'm not sure why they call it yoga because we do more aerobics and strength training than anything, but it feels really good to be moving around and staying in shape in the midst of pregnancy that makes me feel out of breath and out of shape.Worst Moment This Week:Go figure, it's Kaiden related. I'm still learning new things about him and it can be difficult to deal with when I have pregnancy hormones and a belly that makes it harder to get around. I know I'm not the first mom to go through this but it can still be difficult and has definitely been a learning process. Most importantly, it's taught me to depend on God more than ever before. His grace is something I'm trying to model and I feel like I'm constantly asking Him for wisdom.What I Most Look Forward To:My next pre-natal yoga/aerobics class. It's just so much fun :)