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Life At Home.

I'm excited to move. At the same time, there are parts of me that know I will miss the familiar. California has become that "familiar" for us. I am comfortable where we are and with our routine and now it's time to pack up and leave. The naked walls in our house and corners filled with boxes make this move seem even more real. I decided to walk around our house and just document our life right now. I'm always taking pictures when we are visiting cool places or when the house is clean but why not photograph the transition? I want to remember these moments and God truly knows how poor of a memory I have. So here are a few photographs. They are more for me than anything but I thought I would share...Oh, how I love my little girl.Hey! The laundry has made it's way out of the dryer and folded into the basket. // A stack of packages to be mailed out. I've been selling quite a bit from my little vintage shop on Etsy. :)Waking up from a nap.Oakley wanting inside.This Ergo saves my life. Literally. I have a life because I have hands free and no achey back!Tiny toes.New glasses from World Market. It's the little things.Still tired from waking up and not wanting pictures.

On a side note, I decided on a whim to apply to be considered for the Top Mommy Blogs. After a short period of time I am ranked #22 out of the 1,060 other mom blogs in my category! I'm sure in the scheme of blog world it's not a big deal but Imay or may have not done a little happy dance. I really do appreciate the support I've gotten from writing (even with my poor grammar and all.) Thank you to all the sweet readers who continue to share their support by visiting my blog, commenting, and emailing. If you get a moment, be sure to continue to support me by clicking below and voting. I would love to see this blog grow so that I can begin to include more things like giveaways and such! All you have to do is click it and that counts as a vote!